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Blobstream orchestrator

The role of the orchestrator is to sign attestations using its corresponding validator EVM private key. These attestations are generated within the Blobstream module of the Celestia-app state machine. To learn more about what attestations are, you can refer to the Blobstream overview.

How it works

The orchestrator does the following:

  1. Connect to a Celestia-app full node or validator node via RPC and gRPC and wait for new attestations
  2. Once an attestation is created inside the Blobstream state machine, the orchestrator queries it.
  3. After getting the attestation, the orchestrator signs it using the provided EVM private key. The private key should correspond to the EVM address provided when creating the validator. Read more about Blobstream keys.
  4. Then, the orchestrator pushes its signature to the P2P network it is connected to, via adding it as a DHT value.
  5. Listen for new attestations and go back to step 2.

The orchestrator connects to a separate P2P network than the consensus or the data availability one. So, we will provide bootstrappers for that one.

Bootstrapper for the Blockspace Race is:

  • /dns/

Make sure to specify it using the -b flag when running the orchestrator.

This means that even if the consensus node is already connected to the consensus network, if the orchestrator doesn't start with a list of bootstrapper to its specific network, then, it will not work and will output the following logs:

I[2023-04-26|00:04:08.175] waiting for routing table to populate        targetnumberofpeers=1 currentcount=0
I[2023-04-26|00:04:18.175] waiting for routing table to populate        targetnumberofpeers=1 currentcount=0
I[2023-04-26|00:04:28.175] waiting for routing table to populate        targetnumberofpeers=1 currentcount=0
I[2023-04-26|00:04:08.175] waiting for routing table to populate        targetnumberofpeers=1 currentcount=0
I[2023-04-26|00:04:18.175] waiting for routing table to populate        targetnumberofpeers=1 currentcount=0
I[2023-04-26|00:04:28.175] waiting for routing table to populate        targetnumberofpeers=1 currentcount=0

How to run


To run an orchestrator, you will need to have access to the following:

  • Access to your EVM address private key. This latter doesn't need to be funded in any network. If yours is not yet set, check the register an EVM address section.
  • A list of bootstrappers for the P2P network. These will be shared by the team for every network we plan on supporting.
  • Access to your consensus node RPC and gRPC ports.

Install the Blobstream binary

Make sure to have the Blobstream binary installed. Check the Blobstream binary page for more details.

Init the store

Before starting the orchestrator, we will need to init the store:

blobstream orchestrator init
blobstream orchestrator init

By default, the store will be created under ~/.orchestrator. However, if you want to specify a custom location, you can use the --home flag. Or, you can use the following environment variable:

VariableExplanationDefault valueRequired
ORCHESTRATOR_HOMEHome directory for the orchestrator~/.orchestratorOptional

Add keys

In order for the orchestrator to start, it will need two private keys:

  • EVM private key
  • P2P private key

The EVM private key is the most important one since it needs to correspond to the EVM address provided when creating the validator.

The P2P private key is optional, and a new one will be generated automatically on the start if none is provided.

The keys command will help you set up these keys:

blobstream orchestrator keys  --help
blobstream orchestrator keys  --help

To add an EVM private key, check the next section.

EVM key

Because EVM keys are important, we provide a keystore that will help manage them. The keystore uses a file system keystore protected by a passphrase to store and open private keys.

To register an EVM address for your validator, check the section Register EVM Address.

To import your EVM private key, there is the import subcommand to assist you with that:

blobstream orchestrator keys evm import --help
blobstream orchestrator keys evm import --help

This subcommand allows you to either import a raw ECDSA private key provided as plaintext, or import it from a file. The files are JSON keystore files encrypted using a passphrase like in this example.

After adding the key, you can check that it's added via running:

blobstream orchestrator keys evm list
blobstream orchestrator keys evm list

For more information about the keys command, check the keys documentation.

Start the orchestrator

Now that we have the store initialized, we can start the orchestrator. Make sure you have your Celestia-app node RPC and gRPC accessible, and able to connect to the P2P network bootstrappers.

The orchestrator accepts the following flags:

blobstream orchestrator start --help

Starts the Blobstream orchestrator to sign attestations

  blobstream orchestrator start <flags> [flags]
blobstream orchestrator start --help

Starts the Blobstream orchestrator to sign attestations

  blobstream orchestrator start <flags> [flags]

To start the orchestrator in the default home directory, run the following:

blobstream orchestrator start \ localhost \
    --core.grpc.port 9090 \ localhost \
    --core.rpc.port 26657 \
    --evm.account 0x966e6f22781EF6a6A82BBB4DB3df8E225DfD9488 \
    --p2p.bootstrappers /ip4/ \
    --p2p.listen-addr /ip4/
blobstream orchestrator start \ localhost \
    --core.grpc.port 9090 \ localhost \
    --core.rpc.port 26657 \
    --evm.account 0x966e6f22781EF6a6A82BBB4DB3df8E225DfD9488 \
    --p2p.bootstrappers /ip4/ \
    --p2p.listen-addr /ip4/

And, you will be prompted to enter your EVM key passphrase so that the orchestrator can use it to sign attestations. Make sure that it's the EVM address that was provided when creating the validator. If not, then the orchestrator will not sign, and you will keep seeing a "validator not part of valset" warning message. If you see such message, first verify that your validator is part of the active validator set. If so, then probably the EVM address provided to the orchestrator is not the right one, and you should check which EVM address is registered to your validator. Check the next section for more information.

If you no longer have access to your EVM address, you could always edit your validator with a new EVM address. This can be done through the edit-validator command. Check the next section.

Open the P2P port

In order for the signature propagation to be successful, you will need to expose the P2P port, which is by default 30000.

If not, then the signatures may not be available to the network and relayers will not be able to query them.

Register EVM Address

When creating a validator, a random EVM address corresponding to its operator is set in the Blobstream state. This latter will be used by the orchestrator to sign attestations. And since validators will generally not have access to its corresponding private key, that address needs to be edited with one whose private key is known to the validator operator.

To edit an EVM address for a certain validator, its corresponding account needs to send a RegisterEVMAddress transaction with the new address.

First, you should get your validator valoper address. To do so, run the following:

celestia-appd keys show <validator_account> --bech val
celestia-appd keys show <validator_account> --bech val

This assumes that you're using the default home directory, the default keystore etc. If not, make sure to add the flags that correspond to your situation.

To check which EVM address is registered for your valoper address, run the following:

celestia-appd query blobstream evm <validator_valoper_address>
celestia-appd query blobstream evm <validator_valoper_address>

Then, to proceed with the edit, run the following command:

celestia-appd tx blobstream register \
    <valoper_address> \
    <new_evm_address> \
    --fees 30000utia \
    --broadcast-mode block \
celestia-appd tx blobstream register \
    <valoper_address> \
    <new_evm_address> \
    --fees 30000utia \
    --broadcast-mode block \

Example command output:

code: 0
codespace: ""
data: 12300A2E2F63656C65737469612E7167622E76312E4D7367526567697374657245564D41646472657373526573706F6E7365
- attributes:
  - index: true
    key: c3BlbmRlcg==
    value: Y2VsZXN0aWExcDkzcmd6Mnl5MG5hMnN5OWc3a3NzanY2MDY2dWxqcWV3cGpwZ2c=
  - index: true
    key: YW1vdW50
    value: MzAwMDB1dGlh
  type: coin_spent
- attributes:
  - index: true
    key: cmVjZWl2ZXI=
    value: Y2VsZXN0aWExN3hwZnZha20yYW1nOTYyeWxzNmY4NHoza2VsbDhjNWxwbmpzM3M=
  - index: true
    key: YW1vdW50
    value: MzAwMDB1dGlh
  type: coin_received
- attributes:
  - index: true
    key: cmVjaXBpZW50
    value: Y2VsZXN0aWExN3hwZnZha20yYW1nOTYyeWxzNmY4NHoza2VsbDhjNWxwbmpzM3M=
  - index: true
    key: c2VuZGVy
    value: Y2VsZXN0aWExcDkzcmd6Mnl5MG5hMnN5OWc3a3NzanY2MDY2dWxqcWV3cGpwZ2c=
  - index: true
    key: YW1vdW50
    value: MzAwMDB1dGlh
  type: transfer
- attributes:
  - index: true
    key: c2VuZGVy
    value: Y2VsZXN0aWExcDkzcmd6Mnl5MG5hMnN5OWc3a3NzanY2MDY2dWxqcWV3cGpwZ2c=
  type: message
- attributes:
  - index: true
    key: ZmVl
    value: MzAwMDB1dGlh
  - index: true
    key: ZmVlX3BheWVy
    value: Y2VsZXN0aWExcDkzcmd6Mnl5MG5hMnN5OWc3a3NzanY2MDY2dWxqcWV3cGpwZ2c=
  type: tx
- attributes:
  - index: true
    key: YWNjX3NlcQ==
    value: Y2VsZXN0aWExcDkzcmd6Mnl5MG5hMnN5OWc3a3NzanY2MDY2dWxqcWV3cGpwZ2cvMQ==
  type: tx
- attributes:
  - index: true
    key: c2lnbmF0dXJl
  type: tx
- attributes:
  - index: true
    key: YWN0aW9u
    value: L2NlbGVzdGlhLnFnYi52MS5Nc2dSZWdpc3RlckVWTUFkZHJlc3M=
  type: message
gas_used: "66959"
gas_wanted: "210000"
height: "3"
info: ""
- events:
  - attributes:
    - key: action
      value: /celestia.blobstream.v1.MsgRegisterEVMAddress
    type: message
  log: ""
  msg_index: 0
raw_log: '[{"msg_index":0,"events":[{"type":"message","attributes":[{"key":"action","value":"/celestia.blobstream.v1.MsgRegisterEVMAddress"}]}]}]'
timestamp: ""
tx: null
txhash: 4199EA959A2CFEFCD4726D8D8F7B536458A46A27318D3483A4E9614F560606BC
code: 0
codespace: ""
data: 12300A2E2F63656C65737469612E7167622E76312E4D7367526567697374657245564D41646472657373526573706F6E7365
- attributes:
  - index: true
    key: c3BlbmRlcg==
    value: Y2VsZXN0aWExcDkzcmd6Mnl5MG5hMnN5OWc3a3NzanY2MDY2dWxqcWV3cGpwZ2c=
  - index: true
    key: YW1vdW50
    value: MzAwMDB1dGlh
  type: coin_spent
- attributes:
  - index: true
    key: cmVjZWl2ZXI=
    value: Y2VsZXN0aWExN3hwZnZha20yYW1nOTYyeWxzNmY4NHoza2VsbDhjNWxwbmpzM3M=
  - index: true
    key: YW1vdW50
    value: MzAwMDB1dGlh
  type: coin_received
- attributes:
  - index: true
    key: cmVjaXBpZW50
    value: Y2VsZXN0aWExN3hwZnZha20yYW1nOTYyeWxzNmY4NHoza2VsbDhjNWxwbmpzM3M=
  - index: true
    key: c2VuZGVy
    value: Y2VsZXN0aWExcDkzcmd6Mnl5MG5hMnN5OWc3a3NzanY2MDY2dWxqcWV3cGpwZ2c=
  - index: true
    key: YW1vdW50
    value: MzAwMDB1dGlh
  type: transfer
- attributes:
  - index: true
    key: c2VuZGVy
    value: Y2VsZXN0aWExcDkzcmd6Mnl5MG5hMnN5OWc3a3NzanY2MDY2dWxqcWV3cGpwZ2c=
  type: message
- attributes:
  - index: true
    key: ZmVl
    value: MzAwMDB1dGlh
  - index: true
    key: ZmVlX3BheWVy
    value: Y2VsZXN0aWExcDkzcmd6Mnl5MG5hMnN5OWc3a3NzanY2MDY2dWxqcWV3cGpwZ2c=
  type: tx
- attributes:
  - index: true
    key: YWNjX3NlcQ==
    value: Y2VsZXN0aWExcDkzcmd6Mnl5MG5hMnN5OWc3a3NzanY2MDY2dWxqcWV3cGpwZ2cvMQ==
  type: tx
- attributes:
  - index: true
    key: c2lnbmF0dXJl
  type: tx
- attributes:
  - index: true
    key: YWN0aW9u
    value: L2NlbGVzdGlhLnFnYi52MS5Nc2dSZWdpc3RlckVWTUFkZHJlc3M=
  type: message
gas_used: "66959"
gas_wanted: "210000"
height: "3"
info: ""
- events:
  - attributes:
    - key: action
      value: /celestia.blobstream.v1.MsgRegisterEVMAddress
    type: message
  log: ""
  msg_index: 0
raw_log: '[{"msg_index":0,"events":[{"type":"message","attributes":[{"key":"action","value":"/celestia.blobstream.v1.MsgRegisterEVMAddress"}]}]}]'
timestamp: ""
tx: null
txhash: 4199EA959A2CFEFCD4726D8D8F7B536458A46A27318D3483A4E9614F560606BC

Now, you can verify that the EVM address has been updated using the following command:

celestia-appd query blobstream evm <validator_valoper_address>
celestia-appd query blobstream evm <validator_valoper_address>

Now, you can restart the orchestrator, and it should start signing.

Note: A validator set change is triggered if more than 5% of the total staking power of the network changes (0.5% for BSR). This means that even if you change your EVM address, and you don't see your orchestrator signing, it's alright. Just wait until the validator set changes, and then your orchestrator will automatically start signing.

Systemd service

If you want to start the orchestrator as a systemd service, you could use the following:

  • Make sure you have the store initialized and the EVM address private key imported. Check the above sections for how to do that.
  • Put the following configuration under: /etc/systemd/system/orchestrator.service:
Description=Blobstream orchestrator service

ExecStart=<absolute_path_to_blobstream_binary> orchestrator start --evm.account <evm_account> --evm.passphrase <evm_passphrase> <grpc_endpoint_host> --core.grpc.port <grpc_endpoint_port> <rpc_endpoint_host> --core.rpc.port <rpc_endpoint_port> --p2p.bootstrappers <bootstrappers_list>

Description=Blobstream orchestrator service

ExecStart=<absolute_path_to_blobstream_binary> orchestrator start --evm.account <evm_account> --evm.passphrase <evm_passphrase> <grpc_endpoint_host> --core.grpc.port <grpc_endpoint_port> <rpc_endpoint_host> --core.rpc.port <rpc_endpoint_port> --p2p.bootstrappers <bootstrappers_list>

  • Start the orchestrator service using:
sudo systemctl start orchestrator
sudo systemctl start orchestrator
  • Follow the logs to see if everything is running correctly:
sudo journalctl -f -u orchestrator
sudo journalctl -f -u orchestrator

And you should see the orchestrator signing.

Issue: Journald not outputting the logs

Sometimes, journald wouldn't load the logs from the specified service. An easy fix would be to restart it:

sudo systemctl restart systemd-journald
sudo systemctl restart systemd-journald

Then, you should be able to follow the logs as expected.