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Keplr integration with Celestia

Keplr is a popular Cosmos-based wallet that allows anyone to connect to Tendermint chains from their browser.

In this tutorial, we will have an example that goes over how you can add Celestia network parameters to Keplr in a React app.

Most of the overview of this integration are found on Keplr's website.

Add Celestia network to Keplr

Before we demonstrate how to export the specific parameters for Celestia's testnets, we need to create a ReactJS component that allows us to connect directly to Keplr and pass it the network params.

In the following code, we show how you can export a component that detects whether Keplr is installed and sets the network params for it:

import React from "react";
import styles from "./Keplr.module.css";

export default function AddNetworkKeplr({ params }) {
  async function add() {
    if (!window.keplr) {
      alert("Please install keplr extension");
    } else {
      if (window.keplr.experimentalSuggestChain) {
        try {
          await window.keplr.experimentalSuggestChain({
            chainId: params.chainId,
            chainName: params.chainName,
            rpc: params.rpc,
            bip44: {
              coinType: 118,
            bech32Config: {
              bech32PrefixAccAddr: "celestia",
              bech32PrefixAccPub: "celestia" + "pub",
              bech32PrefixValAddr: "celestia" + "valoper",
              bech32PrefixValPub: "celestia" + "valoperpub",
              bech32PrefixConsAddr: "celestia" + "valcons",
              bech32PrefixConsPub: "celestia" + "valconspub",
            currencies: [
                coinDenom: "TIA",
                coinMinimalDenom: "utia",
                coinDecimals: 6,
                coinGeckoId: "celestia",
            feeCurrencies: [
                coinDenom: "TIA",
                coinMinimalDenom: "utia",
                coinDecimals: 6,
                coinGeckoId: "celestia",
                gasPriceStep: {
                  low: 0.1,
                  average: 0.2,
                  high: 0.4,
            stakeCurrency: {
              coinDenom: "TIA",
              coinMinimalDenom: "utia",
              coinDecimals: 6,
              coinGeckoId: "celestia",
        } catch {
          alert("Failed to suggest the chain");
      const chainId = params.chainId;
      // Enabling before using the Keplr is recommended.
      // This method will ask the user whether to allow access if they haven't visited this website.
      // Also, it will request that the user unlock the wallet if the wallet is locked.
      await window.keplr.enable(chainId);

  return (
    <div className={}>
      <button className={styles.keplrButton} onClick={add}>
        Add/switch To {params.chainName}
import React from "react";
import styles from "./Keplr.module.css";

export default function AddNetworkKeplr({ params }) {
  async function add() {
    if (!window.keplr) {
      alert("Please install keplr extension");
    } else {
      if (window.keplr.experimentalSuggestChain) {
        try {
          await window.keplr.experimentalSuggestChain({
            chainId: params.chainId,
            chainName: params.chainName,
            rpc: params.rpc,
            bip44: {
              coinType: 118,
            bech32Config: {
              bech32PrefixAccAddr: "celestia",
              bech32PrefixAccPub: "celestia" + "pub",
              bech32PrefixValAddr: "celestia" + "valoper",
              bech32PrefixValPub: "celestia" + "valoperpub",
              bech32PrefixConsAddr: "celestia" + "valcons",
              bech32PrefixConsPub: "celestia" + "valconspub",
            currencies: [
                coinDenom: "TIA",
                coinMinimalDenom: "utia",
                coinDecimals: 6,
                coinGeckoId: "celestia",
            feeCurrencies: [
                coinDenom: "TIA",
                coinMinimalDenom: "utia",
                coinDecimals: 6,
                coinGeckoId: "celestia",
                gasPriceStep: {
                  low: 0.1,
                  average: 0.2,
                  high: 0.4,
            stakeCurrency: {
              coinDenom: "TIA",
              coinMinimalDenom: "utia",
              coinDecimals: 6,
              coinGeckoId: "celestia",
        } catch {
          alert("Failed to suggest the chain");
      const chainId = params.chainId;
      // Enabling before using the Keplr is recommended.
      // This method will ask the user whether to allow access if they haven't visited this website.
      // Also, it will request that the user unlock the wallet if the wallet is locked.
      await window.keplr.enable(chainId);

  return (
    <div className={}>
      <button className={styles.keplrButton} onClick={add}>
        Add/switch To {params.chainName}

This example is just for using Celestia configs.

We still need to pass the Celestia network params for it and we will for both testnets in the following section.

You can also test out the Connect button to add those params to your Keplr wallet. NOTE: You must have Keplr installed first.

Try it out yourself:

Behind the scenes, here are the parameters we are passing to the AddNetworkKeplr function:

import '@site/src/components/AddNetworkKeplr'

export const MOCHA_PARAMS = {`{
  chainId: 'mocha-4',
  chainName: 'Mocha testnet',
  rpc: '',
  rest: ''

{<AddNetworkKeplr params={MOCHA_PARAMS}/>}
import '@site/src/components/AddNetworkKeplr'

export const MOCHA_PARAMS = {`{
  chainId: 'mocha-4',
  chainName: 'Mocha testnet',
  rpc: '',
  rest: ''

{<AddNetworkKeplr params={MOCHA_PARAMS}/>}
import '@site/src/components/AddNetworkKeplr'

export const ARABICA_PARAMS = {`{
  chainId: 'arabica-10',
  chainName: 'Arabica devnet',
  rpc: '',
  rest: ''

{<AddNetworkKeplr params={ARABICA_PARAMS}/>}
import '@site/src/components/AddNetworkKeplr'

export const ARABICA_PARAMS = {`{
  chainId: 'arabica-10',
  chainName: 'Arabica devnet',
  rpc: '',
  rest: ''

{<AddNetworkKeplr params={ARABICA_PARAMS}/>}