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Deploy a dapp on your Arbitrum rollup devnet

First, review the Arbitrum integration, Quickstart: Deploy an Arbitrum Orbit rollup, and Deploy a smart contract to your Arbitrum rollup pages.


Setup and contract deployment

  1. Clone the gm-portal from GitHub and start the frontend:

    cd $HOME
    git clone
    cd gm-portal && git checkout arbitrum
    cd frontend && yarn && yarn dev
    cd $HOME
    git clone
    cd gm-portal && git checkout arbitrum
    cd frontend && yarn && yarn dev
  2. In a new terminal instance, set your private key for the faucet as a variable and the RPC URL you're using:

    export PRIVATE_KEY=0xb6b15c8cb491557369f3c7d2c287b053eb229daa9c22138887752191c9520659
    export ARB_RPC_URL=http://localhost:8547
    export PRIVATE_KEY=0xb6b15c8cb491557369f3c7d2c287b053eb229daa9c22138887752191c9520659
    export ARB_RPC_URL=http://localhost:8547
  3. Change into the gm-portal/contracts directory in the same terminal and deploy the contract using Foundry:

    cd $HOME/gm-portal/contracts
    forge script script/GmPortal.s.sol:GmPortalScript --rpc-url $ARB_RPC_URL --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY --broadcast
    cd $HOME/gm-portal/contracts
    forge script script/GmPortal.s.sol:GmPortalScript --rpc-url $ARB_RPC_URL --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY --broadcast
  4. In the output of the deployment, find the contract address and set it as a variable:

    export CONTRACT_ADDRESS=<your-contract-address-from-the-output-above>
    export CONTRACT_ADDRESS=<your-contract-address-from-the-output-above>

Interact with the contract

Next, you're ready to interact with the contract from your terminal!

  1. Send a "gm" to the contract:

    cast send $CONTRACT_ADDRESS \
    "gm(string)" "gm" \
    --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY \
    --rpc-url $ARB_RPC_URL
    cast send $CONTRACT_ADDRESS \
    "gm(string)" "gm" \
    --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY \
    --rpc-url $ARB_RPC_URL
  2. Now that you've posted to the contract, you can read all "gms" (GMs) from the contract with this command:

    cast call $CONTRACT_ADDRESS "getAllGms()" --rpc-url $ARB_RPC_URL
    cast call $CONTRACT_ADDRESS "getAllGms()" --rpc-url $ARB_RPC_URL
  3. Next, query the total number of gms, which will be returned as a hex value:

    cast call $CONTRACT_ADDRESS "getTotalGms()" --rpc-url $ARB_RPC_URL
    cast call $CONTRACT_ADDRESS "getTotalGms()" --rpc-url $ARB_RPC_URL
  4. (Optional) In order to interact with the contract on the frontend, you'll need to fund an account that you have in your Ethereum wallet. Transfer to an external account with this command:

    export RECEIVER=<receiver ETH address>
    cast send --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY $RECEIVER --value 1ether --rpc-url $ARB_RPC_URL
    export RECEIVER=<receiver ETH address>
    cast send --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY $RECEIVER --value 1ether --rpc-url $ARB_RPC_URL


    If you are in a different terminal than the one you set the private key in, you may need to set it again.

Update the frontend

Next, you will need to update a few things before you can interact with the contract on the frontend:

  1. Change the contract address on gm-portal/frontend/src/App.tsx to your contract address
  2. Match the chain info on gm-portal/frontend/src/main.tsx with the chain config of your L2
  3. If you changed the contract, update the ABI in gm-portal/frontend/GmPortal.json from gm-portal/contracts/out/GmPortal.sol/GmPortal.json. This can be done with:
cd $HOME
cp dev/gm-portal/contracts/out/GmPortal.sol/GmPortal.json dev/gm-portal/frontend
cd $HOME
cp dev/gm-portal/contracts/out/GmPortal.sol/GmPortal.json dev/gm-portal/frontend

Interact with the frontend

Now, login with your wallet that you funded, and post a GM on your GM portal!
