Data Structures

Data Structures Overview

fig: Block data structures.

Type Aliases


Blockchain Data Structures


Blocks are the top-level data structure of the Celestia blockchain.

headerHeaderBlock header. Contains primarily identification info and commitments.
availableDataHeaderAvailableDataHeaderHeader of available data. Contains commitments to erasure-coded data.
availableDataAvailableDataData that is erasure-coded for availability.
lastCommitCommitPrevious block's Tendermint commit.

Block header, which is fully downloaded by both full clients and light clients.

versionConsensusVersionThe consensus version struct.
chainIDstringThe CHAIN_ID.
heightHeightBlock height. The genesis block is at height 1.
timestampTimestampTimestamp of this block.
lastHeaderHashHashDigestPrevious block's header hash.
lastCommitHashHashDigestPrevious block's Tendermint commit hash.
consensusHashHashDigestHash of consensus parameters for this block.
AppHashHashDigestThe state root after the previous block's transactions are applied.
availableDataOriginalSharesUseduint64The number of shares used in the original data square that are not tail padding.
availableDataRootHashDigestRoot of commitments to erasure-coded data.
proposerAddressAddressAddress of this block's proposer.

The size of the original data square, availableDataOriginalSquareSize, isn't explicitly declared in the block header. Instead, it is implicitly computed as the smallest power of 2 whose square is at least availableDataOriginalSharesUsed (in other words, the smallest power of 4 that is at least availableDataOriginalSharesUsed).

The header hash is the hash of the serialized header.


rowRootsHashDigest[]Commitments to all erasure-coded data.
colRootsHashDigest[]Commitments to all erasure-coded data.

The number of row/column roots of the original data shares in square layout for this block. The availableDataRoot of the header is computed using the compact row and column roots as described here.

The number of row and column roots is each availableDataOriginalSquareSize * 2, and must be a power of 2. Note that the minimum availableDataOriginalSquareSize is 1 (not 0), therefore the number of row and column roots are each at least 2.

Implementations can prune rows containing only tail padding as they are implicitly available.


Data that is erasure-coded for data availability checks.

transactionsTransactionTransactions are ordinary Cosmos SDK transactions. For example: they may modify the validator set and token balances.
payForBlobDataPayForBlobDataPayForBlob data. Transactions that pay for blobs to be included.
blobDataBlobDataBlob data is arbitrary user submitted data that will be published to the Celestia blockchain.


heightHeightBlock height.
roundRoundRound. Incremented on view change.
headerHashHashDigestHeader hash of the previous block.
signaturesCommitSig[]List of signatures.


Timestamp is a type alias.

Celestia uses google.protobuf.Timestamp to represent time.


HashDigest is a type alias.

Output of the hashing function. Exactly 256 bits (32 bytes) long.


tipRateuint64The tip rate for this transaction.

Abstraction over transaction fees.


Celestia supports secp256k1 keys where addresses are 20 bytes in length.

AccAddress[20]byteAccAddress a wrapper around bytes meant to represent an account address


enum CommitFlag : uint8_t { CommitFlagAbsent = 1, CommitFlagCommit = 2, CommitFlagNil = 3, };


rbyte[32]r value of the signature.
sbyte[32]s value of signature.


blockuint64The VERSION_BLOCK.
appuint64The app version.


Objects that are committed to or signed over require a canonical serialization. This is done using a deterministic (and thus, bijective) variant of protobuf defined here.

Note: there are two requirements for a serialization scheme, should this need to be changed:

  1. Must be bijective.
  2. Serialization must include the length of dynamic structures (e.g. arrays with variable length).


All protocol-level hashing is done using SHA-2-256 as defined in FIPS 180-4. SHA-2-256 outputs a digest that is 256 bits (i.e. 32 bytes) long.

Libraries implementing SHA-2-256 are available in Go ( and Rust (

Unless otherwise indicated explicitly, objects are first serialized before being hashed.

Merkle Trees

Merkle trees are used to authenticate various pieces of data across the Celestia stack, including transactions, blobs, the validator set, etc. This section provides an overview of the different tree types used, and specifies how to construct them.

Binary Merkle Tree

Binary Merkle trees are constructed in the same fashion as described in Certificate Transparency (RFC-6962), except for using a different hashing function. Leaves are hashed once to get leaf node values and internal node values are the hash of the concatenation of their children (either leaf nodes or other internal nodes).

Nodes contain a single field:

vHashDigestNode value.

The base case (an empty tree) is defined as the hash of the empty string:

node.v = 0xe3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855

For leaf node node of leaf data d:

node.v = h(0x00, serialize(d))

For internal node node with children l and r:

node.v = h(0x01, l.v, r.v)

Note that rather than duplicating the last node if there are an odd number of nodes (the Bitcoin design), trees are allowed to be imbalanced. In other words, the height of each leaf may be different. For an example, see Section 2.1.3 of Certificate Transparency (RFC-6962).

Leaves and internal nodes are hashed differently: the one-byte 0x00 is prepended for leaf nodes while 0x01 is prepended for internal nodes. This avoids a second-preimage attack where internal nodes are presented as leaves trees with leaves at different heights.


siblingsHashDigest[]Sibling hash values, ordered starting from the leaf's neighbor.

A proof for a leaf in a binary Merkle tree, as per Section 2.1.1 of Certificate Transparency (RFC-6962).

Namespace Merkle Tree

Shares in Celestia are associated with a provided namespace. The Namespace Merkle Tree (NMT) is a variation of the Merkle Interval Tree, which is itself an extension of the Merkle Sum Tree. It allows for compact proofs around the inclusion or exclusion of shares with particular namespace IDs.

Nodes contain three fields:

n_minNamespaceMin namespace in subtree rooted at this node.
n_maxNamespaceMax namespace in subtree rooted at this node.
vHashDigestNode value.

The base case (an empty tree) is defined as:

node.n_min = 0x0000000000000000 node.n_max = 0x0000000000000000 node.v = 0xe3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855

For leaf node node of share data d:

node.n_min = d.namespace node.n_max = d.namespace node.v = h(0x00, d.namespace, d.rawData)

The namespace blob field here is the namespace of the leaf, which is a NAMESPACE_SIZE-long byte array.

Leaves in an NMT must be lexicographically sorted by namespace in ascending order.

For internal node node with children l and r:

node.n_min = min(l.n_min, r.n_min) if l.n_min == PARITY_SHARE_NAMESPACE node.n_max = PARITY_SHARE_NAMESPACE else if r.n_min == PARITY_SHARE_NAMESPACE node.n_max = l.n_max else node.n_max = max(l.n_max, r.n_max) node.v = h(0x01, l.n_min, l.n_max, l.v, r.n_min, r.n_max, r.v)

Note that the above snippet leverages the property that leaves are sorted by namespace: if l.n_min is PARITY_SHARE_NAMESPACE, so must {l,r}.n_max. By construction, either both the min and max namespace of a node will be PARITY_SHARE_NAMESPACE, or neither will: if r.n_min is PARITY_SHARE_NAMESPACE, so must r.n_max.

For some intuition: the min and max namespace for subtree roots with at least one non-parity leaf (which includes the root of an NMT, as the right half of an NMT as used in Celestia will be parity shares) ignore the namespace ID for the parity leaves. Subtree roots with only parity leaves have their min and max namespace ID set to PARITY_SHARE_NAMESPACE. This allows for shorter proofs into the tree than if the namespace ID of parity shares was not ignored (which would cause the max namespace ID of the root to always be PARITY_SHARE_NAMESPACE).

A compact commitment can be computed by taking the hash of the serialized root node.


siblingValuesHashDigest[]Sibling hash values, ordered starting from the leaf's neighbor.
siblingMinsNamespace[]Sibling min namespace IDs.
siblingMaxesNamespace[]Sibling max namespace IDs.

When verifying an NMT proof, the root hash is checked by reconstructing the root node root_node with the computed root_node.v (computed as with a plain Merkle proof) and the provided rootNamespaceMin and rootNamespaceMax as the root_node.n_min and root_node.n_max, respectively.

Erasure Coding

In order to enable trust-minimized light clients (i.e. light clients that do not rely on an honest majority of validating state assumption), it is critical that light clients can determine whether the data in each block is available or not, without downloading the whole block itself. The technique used here was formally described in the paper Fraud and Data Availability Proofs: Maximising Light Client Security and Scaling Blockchains with Dishonest Majorities.

The remainder of the subsections below specify the 2D Reed-Solomon erasure coding scheme used, along with the format of shares and how available data is arranged into shares.

Reed-Solomon Erasure Coding

Note that while data is laid out in a two-dimensional square, rows and columns are erasure coded using a standard one-dimensional encoding.

Reed-Solomon erasure coding is used as the underlying coding scheme. The parameters are:

Note that availableDataOriginalSquareSize may vary each block, and is decided by the block proposer of that block. Leopard-RS is a C library that implements the above scheme with quasilinear runtime.

2D Reed-Solomon Encoding Scheme

The 2-dimensional data layout is described in this section. The roots of NMTs for each row and column across four quadrants of data in a 2k * 2k matrix of shares, Q0 to Q3 (shown below), must be computed. In other words, 2k row roots and 2k column roots must be computed. The row and column roots are stored in the availableDataCommitments of the AvailableDataHeader.

fig: RS2D encoding: data quadrants.

The data of Q0 is the original data, and the remaining quadrants are parity data. Setting k = availableDataOriginalSquareSize, the original data first must be split into shares and arranged into a k * k matrix. Then the parity data can be computed.

Where A -> B indicates that B is computed using erasure coding from A:

  • Q0 -> Q1 for each row in Q0 and Q1
  • Q0 -> Q2 for each column in Q0 and Q2
  • Q2 -> Q3 for each row in Q2 and Q3

Note that the parity data in Q3 will be identical if it is vertically extended from Q1 or horizontally extended from Q2.

fig: RS2D encoding: extending data.

As an example, the parity data in the second column of Q2 (in striped purple) is computed by extending the original data in the second column of Q0 (in solid blue).

fig: RS2D encoding: extending a column.

Now that all four quadrants of the 2k * 2k matrix are filled, the row and column roots can be computed. To do so, each row/column is used as the leaves of a NMT, for which the compact root is computed (i.e. an extra hash operation over the NMT root is used to produce a single HashDigest). In this example, the fourth row root value is computed as the NMT root of the fourth row of Q0 and the fourth row of Q1 as leaves.

fig: RS2D encoding: a row root.

Finally, the availableDataRoot of the block Header is computed as the Merkle root of the binary Merkle tree with the row and column roots as leaves, in that order.

fig: Available data root.

Arranging Available Data Into Shares

The previous sections described how some original data, arranged into a k * k matrix, can be extended into a 2k * 2k matrix and committed to with NMT roots. This section specifies how available data (which includes transactions, PayForBlob transactions, and blobs) is arranged into the matrix in the first place.

Note that each share only has a single namespace, and that the list of concatenated shares is lexicographically ordered by namespace.


  1. For each of transactionData, intermediateStateRootData, PayForBlob transactions, serialize:
    1. For each request in the list:
      1. Serialize the request (individually).
      2. Compute the length of each serialized request, serialize the length, and prepend the serialized request with its serialized length.
    2. Split up the length/request pairs into SHARE_SIZE-NAMESPACE_ID_BYTES-SHARE_RESERVED_BYTES-byte chunks.
    3. Create a share out of each chunk. This data has a reserved namespace ID, so the first NAMESPACE_SIZE+SHARE_RESERVED_BYTES bytes for these shares must be set specially.
  2. Concatenate the lists of shares in the order: transactions, intermediate state roots, PayForBlob transactions.

These shares are arranged in the first quadrant (Q0) of the availableDataOriginalSquareSize*2 * availableDataOriginalSquareSize*2 available data matrix in row-major order. In the example below, each reserved data element takes up exactly one share.

fig: Original data: reserved.

Each blob in the list blobData:

  1. Serialize the blob (individually).
  2. Compute the length of each serialized blob, serialize the length, and prepend the serialized blob with its serialized length.
  3. Split up the length/blob pairs into SHARE_SIZE-NAMESPACE_SIZE-byte chunks.
  4. Create a share out of each chunk. The first NAMESPACE_SIZE bytes for these shares is set to the namespace.

For each blob, it is placed in the available data matrix, with row-major order, as follows:

  1. Place the first share of the blob at the next unused location in the matrix, then place the remaining shares in the following locations.

Transactions must commit to a Merkle root of a list of hashes that are each guaranteed (assuming the block is valid) to be subtree roots in one or more of the row NMTs. For additional info, see the rationale document for this section.

However, with only the rule above, interaction between the block producer and transaction sender may be required to compute a commitment to the blob the transaction sender can sign over. To remove interaction, blobs can optionally be laid out using a non-interactive default:

  1. Place the first share of the blob at the next unused location in the matrix whose column is aligned with the largest power of 2 that is not larger than the blob length or availableDataOriginalSquareSize, then place the remaining shares in the following locations unless there are insufficient unused locations in the row.
  2. If there are insufficient unused locations in the row, place the first share of the blob at the first column of the next row. Then place the remaining shares in the following locations. By construction, any blob whose length is greater than availableDataOriginalSquareSize will be placed in this way.

In the example below, two blobs (of lengths 2 and 1, respectively) are placed using the aforementioned default non-interactive rules.

fig: original data blob

The blob share commitment rules may introduce empty shares that do not belong to any blob (in the example above, the top-right share is empty). These are zeroes with namespace ID equal to the either TAIL_TRANSACTION_PADDING_NAMESPACE_ID if between a request with a reserved namespace ID and a blob, or the namespace ID of the previous blob if succeeded by a blob. See the data square layout for more info.

Available Data


Celestia transactions are Cosmos SDK transactions.



IndexWrapper are wrappers around PayForBlob transactions. They include additional metadata by the block proposer that is committed to in the available data matrix.

txbytesActual transaction.
share_indexes[]uint32Share indexes (in row-major order) of the first share for each blob this transaction pays for. Needed for light verification of proper blob inclusion.
type_idstringType ID of the IndexWrapper transaction type. This is used for encoding and decoding IndexWrapper transactions. It is always set to "INDX".


blobsBlob[]List of blobs.


namespaceIDNamespaceIDNamespace ID of this blob.
rawDatabyte[]Raw blob bytes.


The state of the Celestia chain is intentionally restricted to containing only account balances and the validator set metadata. Similar to other Cosmos SDK based chains, the state of the Celestia chain is maintained in a multistore. The root of the application state is committed to in the block header via the AppHash.

Consensus Parameters

Various consensus parameters are committed to in the block header, such as limits and constants.

versionConsensusVersionThe consensus version struct.
chainIDstringThe CHAIN_ID.
shareSizeuint64The SHARE_SIZE.
shareReservedBytesuint64The SHARE_RESERVED_BYTES.
availableDataOriginalSquareMaxuint64The AVAILABLE_DATA_ORIGINAL_SQUARE_MAX.

In order to compute the consensusHash field in the block header, the above list of parameters is hashed.



One of Celestia's core data structures is the namespace. When a user submits a transaction encapsulating a MsgPayForBlobs message to Celestia, they MUST associate each blob with exactly one namespace. After their transaction has been included in a block, the namespace enables users to take an interest in a subset of the blobs published to Celestia by allowing the user to query for blobs by namespace.

In order to enable efficient retrieval of blobs by namespace, Celestia makes use of a Namespaced Merkle Tree. See section 5.2 of the LazyLedger whitepaper for more details.


A namespace is composed of two fields: version and id. A namespace is encoded as a byte slice with the version and id concatenated.



The namespace version is an 8-bit unsigned integer that indicates the version of the namespace. The version is used to determine the format of the namespace and is encoded as a single byte. A new namespace version MUST be introduced if the namespace format changes in a backwards incompatible way.

Below we explain supported user-specifiable namespace versions, however, we note that Celestia MAY utilize other namespace versions for internal use. For more details, see the Reserved Namespaces section.

Version 0

The only supported user-specifiable namespace version is 0. A namespace with version 0 MUST contain an id with a prefix of 18 leading 0 bytes. The remaining 10 bytes of the id are user-specified. Below, we provide examples of valid and invalid encoded user-supplied namespaces with version 0.

// Valid encoded namespaces 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001010101010101010101 // valid blob namespace 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000011111111111111111111 // valid blob namespace // Invalid encoded namespaces 0x0000000000000000000000000111111111111111111111111111111111 // invalid because it does not have 18 leading 0 bytes 0x1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 // invalid because it does not have version 0 0x1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 // invalid because it does not have version 0

Any change in the number of leading 0 bytes in the id of a namespace with version 0 is considered a backwards incompatible change and MUST be introduced as a new namespace version.


The namespace ID is a 28 byte identifier that uniquely identifies a namespace. The ID is encoded as a byte slice of length 28.

Reserved Namespaces

Celestia reserves some namespaces for protocol use. These namespaces are called "reserved namespaces". Reserved namespaces are used to arrange the contents of the data square. Applications MUST NOT use reserved namespaces for their blob data. Reserved namespaces fall into two categories: Primary and Secondary.

  • Primary: Namespaces with values less than or equal to 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000FF. Primary namespaces always have a version of 0.
  • Secondary: Namespaces with values greater than or equal to 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF00. Secondary namespaces always have a version of 255 (0xFF) so that they are placed after all user specifiable namespaces in a sorted data square. The PARITY_SHARE_NAMESPACE uses version 255 (0xFF) to enable more efficient proof generation within the context of nmt, where it is used in conjunction with the IgnoreMaxNamespace feature. The TAIL_PADDING_NAMESPACE uses the version 255 to ensure that padding shares are always placed at the end of the Celestia data square even if a new user-specifiable version is introduced.

Below is a list of the current reserved namespaces. For additional information on the significance and application of the reserved namespaces, please refer to the Data Square Layout specifications.

TRANSACTION_NAMESPACENamespacePrimary0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001Namespace for ordinary Cosmos SDK transactions.
INTERMEDIATE_STATE_ROOT_NAMESPACENamespacePrimary0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002Namespace for intermediate state roots (not currently utilized).
PAY_FOR_BLOB_NAMESPACENamespacePrimary0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004Namespace for transactions that contain a PayForBlob.
PRIMARY_RESERVED_PADDING_NAMESPACENamespacePrimary0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000FFNamespace for padding after all primary reserved namespaces.
MAX_PRIMARY_RESERVED_NAMESPACENamespacePrimary0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000FFNamespace for the highest primary reserved namespace.
TAIL_PADDING_NAMESPACENamespaceSecondary0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFENamespace for padding after all blobs to fill up the original data square.

Assumptions and Considerations

Applications MUST refrain from using the reserved namespaces for their blob data.

Celestia does not ensure the prevention of non-reserved namespace collisions. Consequently, two distinct applications might use the same namespace. It is the responsibility of these applications to be cautious and manage the implications and consequences arising from such namespace collisions. Among the potential consequences is the Woods Attack, as elaborated in this forum post: Woods Attack on Celestia.


See the namespace implementation in go-square. For the most recent version, which may not reflect the current specifications, refer to the latest namespace code.

Go Definition

type Namespace struct { Version uint8 ID []byte }


  1. ADR-014
  2. ADR-015
  3. Namespaced Merkle Tree
  4. LazyLedger whitepaper
  5. Data Square Layout



All available data in a Celestia block is split into fixed-size data chunks known as "shares". Shares are the atomic unit of the Celestia data square. The shares in a Celestia block are eventually erasure-coded and committed to in Namespace Merkle trees (also see NMT spec).


  • Blob: User specified data (e.g. a roll-up block) that is associated with exactly one namespace. Blob data are opaque bytes of data that are included in the block but do not impact Celestia's state.
  • Share: A fixed-size data chunk that is associated with exactly one namespace.
  • Share sequence: A share sequence is a contiguous set of shares that contain semantically relevant data. A share sequence MUST contain one or more shares. When a blob is split into shares, it is written to one share sequence. As a result, all shares in a share sequence are typically parsed together because the original blob data may have been split across share boundaries. All transactions in the TRANSACTION_NAMESPACE are contained in one share sequence. All transactions in the PAY_FOR_BLOB_NAMESPACE are contained in one share sequence.


User submitted transactions are split into shares (see share splitting) and arranged in a k * k matrix (see arranging available data into shares) prior to the erasure coding step. Shares in the k * k matrix are ordered by namespace and have a common share format.

Padding shares are added to the k * k matrix to ensure:

  1. Blob sequences start on an index that conforms to blob share commitment rules (see namespace padding share and reserved padding share)
  2. The number of shares in the matrix is a perfect square (see tail padding share)

Share Format

Share Version

The share version is a 7-bit big-endian unsigned integer that is used to indicate the version of the share format. A new share version MUST be introduced if the share format changes in a way that is not backwards compatible. There are two share versions share version 0 and share version 1.

Share Version 0

Every share has a fixed size SHARE_SIZE. The share format below is consistent for all shares:

  • The first NAMESPACE_VERSION_SIZE bytes of a share's raw data is the namespace version of that share (denoted by "namespace version" in the figure below).
  • The next NAMESPACE_ID_SIZE bytes of a share's raw data is the namespace ID of that share (denoted by "namespace id" in the figure below).
  • The next SHARE_INFO_BYTES bytes are for share information (denoted by "info byte" in the figure below) with the following structure:
    • The first 7 bits represent the share version in big endian form (initially, this will be 0000000 for version 0);
    • The last bit is a sequence start indicator. The indicator is 1 if this share is the first share in a sequence or 0 if this share is a continuation share in a sequence.
  • If this share is the first share in a sequence, it will include the length of the sequence in bytes. The next SEQUENCE_BYTES represent a big-endian uint32 value (denoted by "sequence length" in the figure below). This length is placed immediately after the SHARE_INFO_BYTES field. It's important to note that shares that are not the first share in a sequence do not contain this field.
  • The remaining SHARE_SIZE-NAMESPACE_SIZE-SHARE_INFO_BYTES-SEQUENCE_BYTES bytes (if first share) or SHARE_SIZE-NAMESPACE_SIZE-SHARE_INFO_BYTES bytes (if continuation share) are raw data (denoted by "blob1" in the figure below). Typically raw data is the blob payload that user's submit in a BlobTx. However, raw data can also be transaction data (see transaction shares below).
  • If there is insufficient raw data to fill the share, the remaining bytes are filled with 0.

First share in a sequence:

figure 1: share start

Continuation share in a sequence:

figure 2: share continuation

Since raw data that exceeds SHARE_SIZE-NAMESPACE_SIZE-SHARE_INFO_BYTES - SEQUENCE_BYTES bytes will span more than one share, developers MAY choose to encode additional metadata in their raw blob data prior to inclusion in a Celestia block. For example, Celestia transaction shares encode additional metadata in the form of "reserved bytes".

Share Version 1

Share version 1 is similar to share version 0 with the addition of a signer field. The signer is located after the sequence length in the first share. The signer is SIGNER_SIZE bytes.

First share in a sequence with signer:

figure 3: first share with signer

Continuation share in a sequence:

figure 4: share continuation

Transaction Shares

In order for clients to parse shares in the middle of a sequence without downloading antecedent shares, Celestia encodes additional metadata in the shares associated with reserved namespaces. At the time of writing this only applies to the TRANSACTION_NAMESPACE and PAY_FOR_BLOB_NAMESPACE. This share structure is often referred to as "compact shares" to differentiate from the share structure defined above for all shares. It conforms to the common share format with one additional field, the "reserved bytes" field, which is described below:

  • Every transaction share includes SHARE_RESERVED_BYTES bytes that contain the index of the starting byte of the length of the canonically serialized first transaction that starts in the share, or 0 if there is none, as a binary big endian uint32. Denoted by "reserved bytes" in the figure below. The SHARE_RESERVED_BYTES are placed immediately after the SEQUENCE_BYTES if this is the first share in a sequence or immediately after the SHARE_INFO_BYTES if this is a continuation share in a sequence.
  • The remaining SHARE_SIZE-NAMESPACE_SIZE-SHARE_INFO_BYTES-SEQUENCE_BYTES-SHARE_RESERVED_BYTES bytes (if first share) or SHARE_SIZE-NAMESPACE_SIZE-SHARE_INFO_BYTES-SHARE_RESERVED_BYTES bytes (if continuation share) are transaction or PayForBlob transaction data (denoted by "tx1" and "tx2" in the figure below). Each transaction or PayForBlob transaction is prefixed with a varint of the length of that unit (denoted by "len(tx1)" and "len(tx2)" in the figure below).
  • If there is insufficient transaction or PayForBlob transaction data to fill the share, the remaining bytes are filled with 0.

First share in a sequence:

figure 3: transaction share start

where reserved bytes would be 38 as a binary big endian uint32 ([0b00000000, 0b00000000, 0b00000000, 0b00100110]).

Continuation share in a sequence:

figure 4: transaction share continuation

where reserved bytes would be 80 as a binary big endian uint32 ([0b00000000, 0b00000000, 0b00000000, 0b01010000]).


Padding shares vary based on namespace but they conform to the share format described above.

Namespace Padding Share

A namespace padding share uses the namespace of the blob that precedes it in the data square so that the data square can retain the property that all shares are ordered by namespace. A namespace padding share acts as padding between blobs so that the subsequent blob begins at an index that conforms to the blob share commitment rules. Clients MAY ignore the contents of these shares because they don't contain any significant data.

Primary Reserved Padding Share

Primary reserved padding shares use the PRIMARY_RESERVED_PADDING_NAMESPACE. Primary reserved padding shares are placed after shares in the primary reserved namespace range so that the first blob can start at an index that conforms to blob share commitment rules. Clients MAY ignore the contents of these shares because they don't contain any significant data.

Tail Padding Share

Tail padding shares use the TAIL_PADDING_NAMESPACE. Tail padding shares are placed after the last blob in the data square so that the number of shares in the data square is a perfect square. Clients MAY ignore the contents of these shares because they don't contain any significant data.

Parity Share

Parity shares use the PARITY_SHARE_NAMESPACE. Parity shares are the output of the erasure coding step of the data square construction process. They occupy quadrants Q1, Q2, and Q3 of the extended data square and are used to reconstruct the original data square (Q0). Bytes carry no special meaning.

Share Splitting

Share splitting is the process of converting a blob into a share sequence. The process is as follows:

  1. Create a new share and populate the prefix of the share with the blob's namespace and share version. Set the sequence start indicator to 1. Write the blob length as the sequence length. Write the blob's data into the share until the share is full.
  2. If there is more data to write, create a new share (a.k.a continuation share) and populate the prefix of the share with the blob's namespace and share version. Set the sequence start indicator to 0. Write the remaining blob data into the share until the share is full.
  3. Repeat the previous step until all blob data has been written.
  4. If the last share is not full, fill the remainder of the share with 0.

Assumptions and Considerations

  • Shares are assumed to be byte slices of length 512. Parsing shares of a different length WILL result in an error.


See go-square/shares.


  1. ADR-012
  2. ADR-014
  3. ADR-015

Consensus Rules

System Parameters


1u1u10**01 unit.
2uk1u10**31000 units.
3uM1u10**61000000 units.
4uG1u10**91000000000 units.


AVAILABLE_DATA_ORIGINAL_SQUARE_MAXuint64shareMaximum number of rows/columns of the original data shares in square layout.
AVAILABLE_DATA_ORIGINAL_SQUARE_TARGETuint64shareTarget number of rows/columns of the original data shares in square layout.
BLOCK_TIMEuint64secondBlock time, in seconds.
CHAIN_IDstring"Celestia"Chain ID. Each chain assigns itself a (unique) ID.
GENESIS_COIN_COUNTuint6410**84u(= 100000000) Number of coins at genesis.
MAX_GRAFFITI_BYTESuint6432byteMaximum size of transaction graffiti, in bytes.
MAX_VALIDATORSuint1664Maximum number of active validators.
NAMESPACE_VERSION_SIZEint1byteSize of namespace version in bytes.
NAMESPACE_ID_SIZEint28byteSize of namespace ID in bytes.
NAMESPACE_SIZEint29byteSize of namespace in bytes.
NAMESPACE_ID_MAX_RESERVEDuint64255Value of maximum reserved namespace (inclusive). 1 byte worth of IDs.
SEQUENCE_BYTESuint644byteThe number of bytes used to store the sequence length in the first share of a sequence
SHARE_INFO_BYTESuint641byteThe number of bytes used for share information
SHARE_RESERVED_BYTESuint644byteThe number of bytes used to store the index of the first transaction in a transaction share. Must be able to represent any integer up to and including SHARE_SIZE - 1.
SHARE_SIZEuint64512byteSize of transaction and blob shares, in bytes.
SignerSizeint20byteThe number of bytes used to store the signer in a share.
STATE_SUBTREE_RESERVED_BYTESuint641byteNumber of bytes reserved to identify state subtrees.
UNBONDING_DURATIONuint32blockDuration, in blocks, for unbonding a validator or delegation.
v1.Versionuint641First version of the application. Breaking changes (hard forks) must update this parameter.
v2.Versionuint642Second version of the application. Breaking changes (hard forks) must update this parameter.
VERSION_BLOCKuint641Version of the Celestia chain. Breaking changes (hard forks) must update this parameter.

Rewards and Penalties

SECONDS_PER_YEARuint6431536000secondSeconds per year. Omit leap seconds.
TARGET_ANNUAL_ISSUANCEuint642 * 10**64u(= 2000000) Target number of coins to issue per year.

Leader Selection

Refer to the CometBFT specifications for proposer selection procedure.

Fork Choice

The Tendermint consensus protocol is fork-free by construction under an honest majority of stake assumption.

If a block has a valid commit, it is part of the canonical chain. If equivocation evidence is detected for more than 1/3 of voting power, the node must halt. See proof of fork accountability.

Block Validity

The validity of a newly-seen block, block, is determined by two components, detailed in subsequent sections:

  1. Block structure: whether the block header is valid, and data in a block is arranged into a valid and matching data root (i.e. syntax).
  2. State transition: whether the application of transactions in the block produces a matching and valid state root (i.e. semantics).

Pseudocode in this section is not in any specific language and should be interpreted as being in a neutral and sane language.

Block Structure

Before executing state transitions, the structure of the block must be verified.

The following block fields are acquired from the network and parsed (i.e. deserialized). If they cannot be parsed, the block is ignored but is not explicitly considered invalid by consensus rules. Further implications of ignoring a block are found in the networking spec.

  1. block.header
  2. block.availableDataHeader
  3. block.lastCommit

If the above fields are parsed successfully, the available data block.availableData is acquired in erasure-coded form as a list of share rows, then parsed. If it cannot be parsed, the block is ignored but not explicitly invalid, as above.


The block header block.header (header for short) is the first thing that is downloaded from the new block, and commits to everything inside the block in some way. For previous block prev (if prev is not known, then the block is ignored), and previous block header prev.header, the following checks must be true:

availableDataOriginalSquareSize is computed as described here.

  1. header.height == prev.header.height + 1.
  2. header.timestamp > prev.header.timestamp.
  3. header.lastHeaderHash == the header hash of prev.
  4. header.lastCommitHash == the hash of lastCommit.
  5. header.consensusHash == the value computed here.
  6. header.stateCommitment == the root of the state, computed with the application of all state transitions in this block.
  7. availableDataOriginalSquareSize <= AVAILABLE_DATA_ORIGINAL_SQUARE_MAX.
  8. header.availableDataRoot == the Merkle root of the tree with the row and column roots of block.availableDataHeader as leaves.
  9. header.proposerAddress == the leader for header.height.


The available data header block.availableDataHeader (availableDataHeader for short) is then processed. This commits to the available data, which is only downloaded after the consensus commit is processed. The following checks must be true:

  1. Length of availableDataHeader.rowRoots == availableDataOriginalSquareSize * 2.
  2. Length of availableDataHeader.colRoots == availableDataOriginalSquareSize * 2.
  3. The length of each element in availableDataHeader.rowRoots and availableDataHeader.colRoots must be 32.


The last commit block.lastCommit (lastCommit for short) is processed next. This is the Tendermint commit (i.e. polka of votes) for the previous block. For previous block prev and previous block header prev.header, the following checks must be true:

  1. lastCommit.height == prev.header.height.
  2. lastCommit.round >= 1.
  3. lastCommit.headerHash == the header hash of prev.
  4. Length of lastCommit.signatures <= MAX_VALIDATORS.
  5. Each of lastCommit.signatures must be a valid CommitSig
  6. The sum of the votes for prev in lastCommit must be at least 2/3 (rounded up) of the voting power of prev's next validator set.


The block's available data (analogous to transactions in contemporary blockchain designs) block.availableData (availableData for short) is finally processed. The list of share rows is parsed into the actual data structures using the reverse of the process to encode available data into shares; if parsing fails here, the block is invalid.

Once parsed, the following checks must be true:

  1. The commitments of the erasure-coded extended availableData must match those in header.availableDataHeader. Implicitly, this means that both rows and columns must be ordered lexicographically by namespace since they are committed to in a Namespace Merkle Tree.
  2. Length of availableData.intermediateStateRootData == length of availableData.transactionData + length of availableData.payForBlobData + 2. (Two additional state transitions are the begin and end block implicit transitions.)

State Transitions

Once the basic structure of the block has been validated, state transitions must be applied to compute the new state and state root.

For this section, the variable state represents the state tree, with state.accounts[k], state.inactiveValidatorSet[k], state.activeValidatorSet[k], and state.delegationSet[k] being shorthand for the leaf in the state tree in the accounts, inactive validator set, active validator set, and delegation set subtrees with pre-hashed key k. E.g. state.accounts[a] is shorthand for state[(ACCOUNTS_SUBTREE_ID << 8*(32-STATE_SUBTREE_RESERVED_BYTES)) | ((-1 >> 8*STATE_SUBTREE_RESERVED_BYTES) & hash(a))].

State transitions are applied in the following order:

  1. Begin block.
  2. Transactions.
  3. End block.


Transactions are applied to the state. Note that transactions mutate the state (essentially, the validator set and minimal balances), while blobs do not.

block.availableData.transactionData is simply a list of WrappedTransactions. For each wrapped transaction in this list, wrappedTransaction, with index i (starting from 0), the following checks must be true:

  1. wrappedTransaction.index == i.

For wrappedTransaction's transaction transaction, the following checks must be true:

  1. transaction.signature must be a valid signature over transaction.signedTransactionData.

Finally, each wrappedTransaction is processed depending on its transaction type. These are specified in the next subsections, where tx is short for transaction.signedTransactionData, and sender is the recovered signing address. We will define a few helper functions:

tipCost(y, z) = y * z totalCost(x, y, z) = x + tipCost(y, z)

where x above is the amount of coins sent by the transaction authorizer, y above is the tip rate set in the transaction, and z above is the measure of the block space used by the transaction (i.e. size in bytes).

Four additional helper functions are defined to manage the validator queue:

  1. findFromQueue(power), which returns the address of the last validator in the validator queue with voting power greater than or equal to power, or 0 if the queue is empty or no validators in the queue have at least power voting power.
  2. parentFromQueue(address), which returns the address of the parent in the validator queue of the validator with address address, or 0 if address is not in the queue or is the head of the queue.
  3. validatorQueueInsert, defined as
function validatorQueueInsert(validator) # Insert the new validator into the linked list parent = findFromQueue(validator.votingPower) if parent != 0 if state.accounts[parent].status == AccountStatus.ValidatorBonded = state.activeValidatorSet[parent].next state.activeValidatorSet[parent].next = sender else = state.inactiveValidatorSet[parent].next state.inactiveValidatorSet[parent].next = sender else = state.validatorQueueHead state.validatorQueueHead = sender
  1. validatorQueueRemove, defined as
function validatorQueueRemove(validator, sender) # Remove existing validator from the linked list parent = parentFromQueue(sender) if parent != 0 if state.accounts[parent].status == AccountStatus.ValidatorBonded state.activeValidatorSet[parent].next = = 0 else state.inactiveValidatorSet[parent].next = = 0 else state.validatorQueueHead = = 0

Note that light clients cannot perform a linear search through a linked list, and are instead provided logarithmic proofs (e.g. in the case of parentFromQueue, a proof to the parent is provided, which should have address as its next validator).

In addition, three helper functions to manage the blob paid list:

  1. findFromBlobPaidList(start), which returns the transaction ID of the last transaction in the blob paid list with finish greater than start, or 0 if the list is empty or no transactions in the list have at least start finish.
  2. parentFromBlobPaidList(txid), which returns the transaction ID of the parent in the blob paid list of the transaction with ID txid, or 0 if txid is not in the list or is the head of the list.
  3. blobPaidListInsert, defined as
function blobPaidListInsert(tx, txid) # Insert the new transaction into the linked list parent = findFromBlobPaidList(tx.blobStartIndex) state.blobsPaid[txid].start = tx.blobStartIndex numShares = ceil(tx.blobSize / SHARE_SIZE) state.blobsPaid[txid].finish = tx.blobStartIndex + numShares - 1 if parent != 0 state.blobsPaid[txid].next = state.blobsPaid[parent].next state.blobsPaid[parent].next = txid else state.blobsPaid[txid].next = state.blobPaidHead state.blobPaidHead = txid

We define a helper function to compute F1 entries:

function compute_new_entry(reward, power) if power == 0 return 0 return reward // power

After applying a transaction, the new state root is computed.


bytesPaid = len(tx)

The following checks must be true:

  1. tx.type == TransactionType.Transfer.
  2. totalCost(tx.amount, tx.fee.tipRate, bytesPaid) <= state.accounts[sender].balance.
  3. tx.nonce == state.accounts[sender].nonce + 1.

Apply the following to the state:

state.accounts[sender].nonce += 1 state.accounts[sender].balance -= totalCost(tx.amount, tx.fee.tipRate, bytesPaid) state.accounts[].balance += tx.amount state.activeValidatorSet.proposerBlockReward += tipCost(bytesPaid)


bytesPaid = len(tx) + tx.blobSize currentStartFinish = state.blobsPaid[findFromBlobPaidList(tx.blobStartIndex)] parentStartFinish = state.blobsPaid[parentFromBlobPaidList(findFromBlobPaidList(tx.blobStartIndex))]

The following checks must be true:

  1. tx.type == TransactionType.MsgPayForData.
  2. totalCost(0, tx.fee.tipRate, bytesPaid) <= state.accounts[sender].balance.
  3. tx.nonce == state.accounts[sender].nonce + 1.
  4. The ceil(tx.blobSize / SHARE_SIZE) shares starting at index tx.blobStartIndex must:
    1. Have namespace tx.blobNamespace.
  5. tx.blobShareCommitment == computed as described here.
  6. parentStartFinish.finish < tx.blobStartIndex.
  7. currentStartFinish.start == 0 or currentStartFinish.start > tx.blobStartIndex + ceil(tx.blobSize / SHARE_SIZE).

Apply the following to the state:

state.accounts[sender].nonce += 1 state.accounts[sender].balance -= totalCost(tx.amount, tx.fee.tipRate, bytesPaid) blobPaidListInsert(tx, id(tx)) state.activeValidatorSet.proposerBlockReward += tipCost(tx.fee.tipRate, bytesPaid)


bytesPaid = len(tx)

The following checks must be true:

  1. tx.type == TransactionType.CreateValidator.
  2. totalCost(0, tx.fee.tipRate, bytesPaid) <= state.accounts[sender].balance.
  3. tx.nonce == state.accounts[sender].nonce + 1.
  4. tx.commissionRate.denominator > 0.
  5. tx.commissionRate.numerator <= tx.commissionRate.denominator.
  6. state.accounts[sender].status == AccountStatus.None.

Apply the following to the state:

state.accounts[sender].nonce += 1 state.accounts[sender].balance -= totalCost(0, tx.fee.tipRate, bytesPaid) state.accounts[sender].status = AccountStatus.ValidatorQueued validator = new Validator validator.commissionRate = tx.commissionRate validator.delegatedCount = 0 validator.votingPower = 0 validator.pendingRewards = 0 validator.latestEntry = PeriodEntry(0) validator.unbondingHeight = 0 validator.isSlashed = false validatorQueueInsert(validator) state.inactiveValidatorSet[sender] = validator state.activeValidatorSet.proposerBlockReward += tipCost(tx.fee.tipRate, bytesPaid)


bytesPaid = len(tx)

The following checks must be true:

  1. tx.type == TransactionType.BeginUnbondingValidator.
  2. totalCost(0, tx.fee.tipRate, bytesPaid) <= state.accounts[sender].balance.
  3. tx.nonce == state.accounts[sender].nonce + 1.
  4. state.accounts[sender].status == AccountStatus.ValidatorQueued or state.accounts[sender].status == AccountStatus.ValidatorBonded.

Apply the following to the state:

state.accounts[sender].nonce += 1 state.accounts[sender].balance -= totalCost(0, tx.fee.tipRate, bytesPaid) state.accounts[sender].status = ValidatorStatus.Unbonding if state.accounts[sender].status == AccountStatus.ValidatorQueued validator = state.inactiveValidatorSet[sender] else if state.accounts[sender].status == AccountStatus.ValidatorBonded validator = state.activeValidatorSet[sender] delete state.activeValidatorSet[sender] validator.unbondingHeight = block.height + 1 validator.latestEntry += compute_new_entry(validator.pendingRewards, validator.votingPower) validator.pendingRewards = 0 validatorQueueRemove(validator, sender) state.inactiveValidatorSet[sender] = validator state.activeValidatorSet.activeVotingPower -= validator.votingPower state.activeValidatorSet.proposerBlockReward += tipCost(tx.fee.tipRate, bytesPaid)


bytesPaid = len(tx)

The following checks must be true:

  1. tx.type == TransactionType.UnbondValidator.
  2. totalCost(0, tx.fee.tipRate, bytesPaid) <= state.accounts[sender].balance.
  3. tx.nonce == state.accounts[sender].nonce + 1.
  4. state.accounts[sender].status == AccountStatus.ValidatorUnbonding.
  5. state.inactiveValidatorSet[sender].unbondingHeight + UNBONDING_DURATION < block.height.

Apply the following to the state:

validator = state.inactiveValidatorSet[sender] state.accounts[sender].nonce += 1 state.accounts[sender].balance -= totalCost(0, tx.fee.tipRate, bytesPaid) state.accounts[sender].status = AccountStatus.ValidatorUnbonded state.accounts[sender].balance += validator.commissionRewards state.inactiveValidatorSet[sender] = validator if validator.delegatedCount == 0 state.accounts[sender].status = AccountStatus.None delete state.inactiveValidatorSet[sender] state.activeValidatorSet.proposerBlockReward += tipCost(tx.fee.tipRate, bytesPaid)


bytesPaid = len(tx)

The following checks must be true:

  1. tx.type == TransactionType.CreateDelegation.
  2. totalCost(tx.amount, tx.fee.tipRate, bytesPaid) <= state.accounts[sender].balance.
  3. state.accounts[].status == AccountStatus.ValidatorQueued or state.accounts[].status == AccountStatus.ValidatorBonded.
  4. tx.nonce == state.accounts[sender].nonce + 1.
  5. state.accounts[sender].status == AccountStatus.None.

Apply the following to the state:

state.accounts[sender].nonce += 1 state.accounts[sender].balance -= totalCost(tx.amount, tx.fee.tipRate, bytesPaid) state.accounts[sender].status = AccountStatus.DelegationBonded if state.accounts[].status == AccountStatus.ValidatorQueued validator = state.inactiveValidatorSet[] else if state.accounts[].status == AccountStatus.ValidatorBonded validator = state.activeValidatorSet[] delegation = new Delegation delegation.status = DelegationStatus.Bonded delegation.validator = delegation.stakedBalance = tx.amount delegation.beginEntry = validator.latestEntry delegation.endEntry = PeriodEntry(0) delegation.unbondingHeight = 0 validator.latestEntry += compute_new_entry(validator.pendingRewards, validator.votingPower) validator.pendingRewards = 0 validator.delegatedCount += 1 validator.votingPower += tx.amount # Update the validator in the linked list by first removing then inserting validatorQueueRemove(validator, delegation.validator) validatorQueueInsert(validator) state.delegationSet[sender] = delegation if state.accounts[].status == AccountStatus.ValidatorQueued state.inactiveValidatorSet[] = validator else if state.accounts[].status == AccountStatus.ValidatorBonded state.activeValidatorSet[] = validator state.activeValidatorSet.activeVotingPower += tx.amount state.activeValidatorSet.proposerBlockReward += tipCost(tx.fee.tipRate, bytesPaid)


bytesPaid = len(tx)

The following checks must be true:

  1. tx.type == TransactionType.BeginUnbondingDelegation.
  2. totalCost(0, tx.fee.tipRate, bytesPaid) <= state.accounts[sender].balance.
  3. tx.nonce == state.accounts[sender].nonce + 1.
  4. state.accounts[sender].status == AccountStatus.DelegationBonded.

Apply the following to the state:

state.accounts[sender].nonce += 1 state.accounts[sender].balance -= totalCost(0, tx.fee.tipRate, bytesPaid) state.accounts[sender].status = AccountStatus.DelegationUnbonding delegation = state.delegationSet[sender] if state.accounts[delegation.validator].status == AccountStatus.ValidatorQueued || state.accounts[delegation.validator].status == AccountStatus.ValidatorUnbonding || state.accounts[delegation.validator].status == AccountStatus.ValidatorUnbonded validator = state.inactiveValidatorSet[delegation.validator] else if state.accounts[delegation.validator].status == AccountStatus.ValidatorBonded validator = state.activeValidatorSet[delegation.validator] delegation.status = DelegationStatus.Unbonding delegation.endEntry = validator.latestEntry delegation.unbondingHeight = block.height + 1 validator.latestEntry += compute_new_entry(validator.pendingRewards, validator.votingPower) validator.pendingRewards = 0 validator.delegatedCount -= 1 validator.votingPower -= delegation.stakedBalance # Update the validator in the linked list by first removing then inserting # Only do this if the validator is actually in the queue (i.e. bonded or queued) if state.accounts[delegation.validator].status == AccountStatus.ValidatorBonded || state.accounts[delegation.validator].status == AccountStatus.ValidatorQueued validatorQueueRemove(validator, delegation.validator) validatorQueueInsert(validator) state.delegationSet[sender] = delegation if state.accounts[delegation.validator].status == AccountStatus.ValidatorQueued || state.accounts[delegation.validator].status == AccountStatus.ValidatorUnbonding || state.accounts[delegation.validator].status == AccountStatus.ValidatorUnbonded state.inactiveValidatorSet[delegation.validator] = validator else if state.accounts[delegation.validator].status == AccountStatus.ValidatorBonded state.activeValidatorSet[delegation.validator] = validator state.activeValidatorSet.activeVotingPower -= delegation.stakedBalance state.activeValidatorSet.proposerBlockReward += tipCost(tx.fee.tipRate, bytesPaid)


bytesPaid = len(tx)

The following checks must be true:

  1. tx.type == TransactionType.UnbondDelegation.
  2. totalCost(0, bytesPaid) <= state.accounts[sender].balance.
  3. tx.nonce == state.accounts[sender].nonce + 1.
  4. state.accounts[sender].status == AccountStatus.DelegationUnbonding.
  5. state.delegationSet[sender].unbondingHeight + UNBONDING_DURATION < block.height.

Apply the following to the state:

delegation = state.accounts[sender].delegationInfo state.accounts[sender].nonce += 1 state.accounts[sender].balance -= totalCost(0, tx.fee.tipRate, bytesPaid) state.accounts[sender].status = None # Return the delegated stake state.accounts[sender].balance += delegation.stakedBalance # Also disperse rewards (commission has already been levied) state.accounts[sender].balance += delegation.stakedBalance * (delegation.endEntry - delegation.beginEntry) if state.accounts[delegation.validator].status == AccountStatus.ValidatorQueued || state.accounts[delegation.validator].status == AccountStatus.ValidatorUnbonding state.accounts[delegation.validator].status == AccountStatus.ValidatorUnbonded validator = state.inactiveValidatorSet[delegation.validator] else if state.accounts[delegation.validator].status == AccountStatus.ValidatorBonded validator = state.activeValidatorSet[delegation.validator] if validator.delegatedCount == 0 && state.accounts[delegation.validator].status == AccountStatus.ValidatorUnbonded state.accounts[delegation.validator].status = AccountStatus.None delete state.inactiveValidatorSet[delegation.validator] delete state.accounts[sender].delegationInfo state.activeValidatorSet.proposerBlockReward += tipCost(tx.fee.tipRate, bytesPaid)


bytesPaid = len(tx)

The following checks must be true:

  1. tx.type == TransactionType.Burn.
  2. totalCost(tx.amount, bytesPaid) <= state.accounts[sender].balance.
  3. tx.nonce == state.accounts[sender].nonce + 1.

Apply the following to the state:

state.accounts[sender].nonce += 1 state.accounts[sender].balance -= totalCost(tx.amount, tx.fee.tipRate, bytesPaid) state.activeValidatorSet.proposerBlockReward += tipCost(tx.fee.tipRate, bytesPaid)


bytesPaid = len(tx)

The following checks must be true:

  1. tx.type == TransactionType.RedelegateCommission.
  2. totalCost(0, tx.fee.tipRate, bytesPaid) <= state.accounts[sender].balance.
  3. tx.nonce == state.accounts[sender].nonce + 1.
  4. state.accounts[].status == AccountStatus.DelegationBonded.
  5. state.accounts[sender].status == AccountStatus.ValidatorBonded.

Apply the following to the state:

state.accounts[sender].nonce += 1 state.accounts[sender].balance -= totalCost(0, tx.fee.tipRate, bytesPaid) delegation = state.delegationSet[] validator = state.activeValidatorSet[delegation.validator] # Force-redelegate pending rewards for delegation pendingRewards = delegation.stakedBalance * (validator.latestEntry - delegation.beginEntry) delegation.stakedBalance += pendingRewards delegation.beginEntry = validator.latestEntry validator.latestEntry += compute_new_entry(validator.pendingRewards, validator.votingPower) validator.pendingRewards = 0 # Assign pending commission rewards to delegation commissionRewards = validator.commissionRewards delegation.stakedBalance += commissionRewards validator.commissionRewards = 0 # Update voting power validator.votingPower += pendingRewards + commissionRewards state.activeValidatorSet.activeVotingPower += pendingRewards + commissionRewards state.delegationSet[] = delegation state.activeValidatorSet[delegation.validator] = validator state.activeValidatorSet.proposerBlockReward += tipCost(tx.fee.tipRate, bytesPaid)


bytesPaid = len(tx)

The following checks must be true:

  1. tx.type == TransactionType.RedelegateReward.
  2. totalCost(0, tx.fee.tipRate, bytesPaid) <= state.accounts[sender].balance.
  3. tx.nonce == state.accounts[sender].nonce + 1.
  4. state.accounts[sender].status == AccountStatus.DelegationBonded.
  5. state.accounts[state.delegationSet[sender].validator].status == AccountStatus.ValidatorBonded.

Apply the following to the state:

state.accounts[sender].nonce += 1 state.accounts[sender].balance -= totalCost(0, tx.fee.tipRate, bytesPaid) delegation = state.delegationSet[sender] validator = state.activeValidatorSet[delegation.validator] # Redelegate pending rewards for delegation pendingRewards = delegation.stakedBalance * (validator.latestEntry - delegation.beginEntry) delegation.stakedBalance += pendingRewards delegation.beginEntry = validator.latestEntry validator.latestEntry += compute_new_entry(validator.pendingRewards, validator.votingPower) validator.pendingRewards = 0 # Update voting power validator.votingPower += pendingRewards state.activeValidatorSet.activeVotingPower += pendingRewards state.delegationSet[sender] = delegation state.activeValidatorSet[delegation.validator] = validator state.activeValidatorSet.proposerBlockReward += tipCost(tx.fee.tipRate, bytesPaid)

Begin Block

At the beginning of the block, rewards are distributed to the block proposer.

Apply the following to the state:

proposer = state.activeValidatorSet[block.header.proposerAddress] # Compute block subsidy and save to state for use in end block. rewardFactor = (TARGET_ANNUAL_ISSUANCE * BLOCK_TIME) / (SECONDS_PER_YEAR * sqrt(GENESIS_COIN_COUNT)) blockReward = rewardFactor * sqrt(state.activeValidatorSet.activeVotingPower) state.activeValidatorSet.proposerBlockReward = blockReward # Save proposer's initial voting power to state for use in end block. state.activeValidatorSet.proposerInitialVotingPower = proposer.votingPower state.activeValidatorSet[block.header.proposerAddress] = proposer

End Block

Apply the following to the state:

account = state.accounts[block.header.proposerAddress] if account.status == AccountStatus.ValidatorUnbonding account.status == AccountStatus.ValidatorUnbonded proposer = state.inactiveValidatorSet[block.header.proposerAddress] else if account.status == AccountStatus.ValidatorBonded proposer = state.activeValidatorSet[block.header.proposerAddress] # Flush the outstanding pending rewards. proposer.latestEntry += compute_new_entry(proposer.pendingRewards, proposer.votingPower) proposer.pendingRewards = 0 blockReward = state.activeValidatorSet.proposerBlockReward commissionReward = proposer.commissionRate.numerator * blockReward // proposer.commissionRate.denominator proposer.commissionRewards += commissionReward proposer.pendingRewards += blockReward - commissionReward # Even though the voting power hasn't changed yet, we consider this a period change. proposer.latestEntry += compute_new_entry(proposer.pendingRewards, state.activeValidatorSet.proposerInitialVotingPower) proposer.pendingRewards = 0 if account.status == AccountStatus.ValidatorUnbonding account.status == AccountStatus.ValidatorUnbonded state.inactiveValidatorSet[block.header.proposerAddress] = proposer else if account.status == AccountStatus.ValidatorBonded state.activeValidatorSet[block.header.proposerAddress] = proposer

At the end of a block, the top MAX_VALIDATORS validators by voting power with voting power greater than zero are or become active (bonded). For newly-bonded validators, the entire validator object is moved to the active validators subtree and their status is changed to bonded. For previously-bonded validators that are no longer in the top MAX_VALIDATORS validators begin unbonding.

Bonding validators is simply setting their status to AccountStatus.ValidatorBonded. The logic for validator unbonding is found here, minus transaction sender updates (nonce, balance, and fee).

This end block implicit state transition is a single state transition, and only has a single intermediate state root associated with it.

Content Addressable Transaction Pool Specification

  • 01.12.2022 | Initial specification (@cmwaters)
  • 09.12.2022 | Add Push/Pull mechanics (@cmwaters)


This document specifies the properties, design and implementation of a content addressable transaction pool (CAT). This protocol is intended as an alternative to the FIFO and Priority mempools currently built-in to the Tendermint consensus protocol. The term content-addressable here, indicates that each transaction is identified by a smaller, unique tag (in this case a sha256 hash). These tags are broadcast among the transactions as a means of more compactly indicating which peers have which transactions. Tracking what each peer has aims at reducing the amount of duplication. In a network without content tracking, a peer may receive as many duplicate transactions as peers connected to. The tradeoff here therefore is that the transactions are significantly larger than the tag such that the sum of the data saved sending what would be duplicated transactions is larger than the sum of sending each peer a tag.


The objective of such a protocol is to transport transactions from the author (usually a client) to a proposed block, optimizing both latency and throughput i.e. how quickly can a transaction be proposed (and committed) and how many transactions can be transported into a block at once.

Typically the mempool serves to receive inbound transactions via an RPC endpoint, gossip them to all nodes in the network (regardless of whether they are capable of proposing a block or not), and stage groups of transactions to both consensus and the application to be included in a block.


The following are assumptions inherited from existing Tendermint mempool protocols:

  • CheckTx should be seen as a simple gatekeeper to what transactions enter the pool to be gossiped and staged. It is non-deterministic: one node may reject a transaction that another node keeps.
  • Applications implementing CheckTx are responsible for replay protection (i.e. the same transaction being present in multiple blocks). The mempool ensures that within the same block, no duplicate transactions can exist.
  • The underlying p2p layer guarantees eventually reliable broadcast. A transaction need only be sent once to eventually reach the target peer.


The CAT protocol extends on the existing mempool implementations by introducing two new protobuf messages:

message SeenTx { bytes tx_key = 1; optional string from = 2; } message WantTx { bytes tx_key = 1; }

Both SeenTx and WantTx contain the sha256 hash of the raw transaction bytes. SeenTx also contains an optional p2p.ID that corresponds to the peer that the node received the tx from. The only validation for both is that the byte slice of the tx_key MUST have a length of 32.

Both messages are sent across a new channel with the ID: byte(0x31). This enables cross compatibility as discussed in greater detail below.

Note: The term SeenTx is used over the more common HasTx because the transaction pool contains sophisticated eviction logic. TTLs, higher priority transactions and reCheckTx may mean that a transaction pool had a transaction but does not have it any more. Semantically it's more appropriate to use SeenTx to imply not the presence of a transaction but that the node has seen it and dealt with it accordingly.

Outbound logic

A node in the protocol has two distinct modes: "broadcast" and "request/response". When a node receives a transaction via RPC (or specifically through CheckTx), it assumed that it is the only recipient from that client and thus will immediately send that transaction, after validation, to all connected peers. Afterwards, only "request/response" is used to disseminate that transaction to everyone else.

Note: Given that one can configure a mempool to switch off broadcast, there are no guarantees when a client submits a transaction via RPC and no error is returned that it will find its way into a proposers transaction pool.

A SeenTx is broadcasted to ALL nodes upon receiving a "new" transaction from a peer. The transaction pool does not need to track every unique inbound transaction, therefore "new" is identified as:

  • The node does not currently have the transaction
  • The node did not recently reject the transaction or has recently seen the same transaction committed (subject to the size of the cache)
  • The node did not recently evict the transaction (subject to the size of the cache)

Given this criteria, it is feasible, yet unlikely that a node receives two SeenTx messages from the same peer for the same transaction.

A SeenTx MAY be sent for each transaction currently in the transaction pool when a connection with a peer is first established. This acts as a mechanism for syncing pool state across peers.

The SeenTx message MUST only be broadcasted after validation and storage. Although it is possible that a node later drops a transaction under load shedding, a SeenTx should give as strong guarantees as possible that the node can be relied upon by others that don't yet have the transaction to obtain it.

Note: Inbound transactions submitted via the RPC do not trigger a SeenTx message as it is assumed that the node is the first to see the transaction and by gossiping it to others it is implied that the node has seen the transaction.

A WantTx message is always sent point to point and never broadcasted. A WantTx MUST only be sent after receiving a SeenTx message from that peer. There is one exception which is that a WantTx MAY also be sent by a node after receiving an identical WantTx message from a peer that had previously received the nodes SeenTx but which after the lapse in time, did no longer exist in the nodes transaction pool. This provides an optional synchronous method for communicating that a node no longer has a transaction rather than relying on the defaulted asynchronous approach which is to wait for a period of time and try again with a new peer.

WantTx must be tracked. A node SHOULD not send multiple WantTxs to multiple peers for the same transaction at once but wait for a period that matches the expected network latency before rerequesting the transaction to another peer.

Inbound logic

Transaction pools are solely run in-memory; thus when a node stops, all transactions are discarded. To avoid the scenario where a node restarts and does not receive transactions because other nodes recorded a SeenTx message from their previous run, each transaction pool should track peer state based per connection and not per NodeID.

Upon receiving a Txs message:

  • Check whether it is in response to a request or simply an unsolicited broadcast
  • Validate the tx against current resources and the applications CheckTx
  • If rejected or evicted, mark accordingly
  • If successful, send a SeenTx message to all connected peers excluding the original sender. If it was from an initial broadcast, the SeenTx should populate the From field with the p2p.ID of the recipient else if it is in response to a request From should remain empty.

Upon receiving a SeenTx message:

  • It should mark the peer as having seen the message.
  • If the node has recently rejected that transaction, it SHOULD ignore the message.
  • If the node already has the transaction, it SHOULD ignore the message.
  • If the node does not have the transaction but recently evicted it, it MAY choose to rerequest the transaction if it has adequate resources now to process it.
  • If the node has not seen the transaction or does not have any pending requests for that transaction, it can do one of two things:
    • It MAY immediately request the tx from the peer with a WantTx.
    • If the node is connected to the peer specified in FROM, it is likely, from a non-byzantine peer, that the node will also shortly receive the transaction from the peer. It MAY wait for a Txs message for a bounded amount of time but MUST eventually send a WantTx message to either the original peer or any other peer that has the specified transaction.

Upon receiving a WantTx message:

  • If it has the transaction, it MUST respond with a Txs message containing that transaction.
  • If it does not have the transaction, it MAY respond with an identical WantTx or rely on the timeout of the peer that requested the transaction to eventually ask another peer.


CAT has Go API compatibility with the existing two mempool implementations. It implements both the Reactor interface required by Tendermint's P2P layer and the Mempool interface used by consensus and rpc. CAT is currently network compatible with existing implementations (by using another channel), but the protocol is unaware that it is communicating with a different mempool and that SeenTx and WantTx messages aren't reaching those peers thus it is recommended that the entire network use CAT.

Honest Block Proposer

This document describes the tasks of an honest block proposer to assemble a new block. Performing these actions is not enforced by the consensus rules, so long as a valid block is produced.

Deciding on a Block Size

Before arranging available data into shares, the size of the original data's square must be determined.

There are two restrictions on the original data's square size:

  2. It must be a power of 2.

With these restrictions in mind, the block proposer performs the following actions:

  1. Collect as many transactions and blobs from the mempool as possible, such that the total number of shares is at most AVAILABLE_DATA_ORIGINAL_SQUARE_MAX.
  2. Compute the smallest square size that is a power of 2 that can fit the number of shares.
  3. Attempt to lay out the collected transactions and blobs in the current square.
    1. If the square is too small to fit all transactions and blobs (which may happen due to needing to insert padding between blobs) and the square size is smaller than AVAILABLE_DATA_ORIGINAL_SQUARE_MAX, double the size of the square and repeat the above step.
    2. If the square is too small to fit all transactions and blobs (which may happen due to needing to insert padding between blobs) and the square size is at AVAILABLE_DATA_ORIGINAL_SQUARE_MAX, drop the transactions and blobs until the data fits within the square.

Note: the maximum padding shares between blobs should be at most twice the number of blob shares. Doubling the square size (i.e. quadrupling the number of shares in the square) should thus only have to happen at most once.

Block Validity Rules


Unlike most blockchains, Celestia derives most of its functionality from stateless commitments to data rather than stateful transitions. This means that the protocol relies heavily on block validity rules. Notably, resource constrained light clients must be able to detect when a subset of these validity rules have not been followed in order to avoid making an honest majority assumption on the consensus network. This has a significant impact on their design. More information on how light clients can check the invalidity of a block can be found in the Fraud Proofs spec.

Note Celestia relies on CometBFT (formerly tendermint) for consensus, meaning that it has single slot finality and is fork-free. Therefore, in order to ensure that an invalid block is never committed to, each validator must check that each block follows all validity rules before voting. If over two thirds of the voting power colludes to break a validity rule, then fraud proofs are created for light clients. After light clients verify fraud proofs, they halt.

Validity Rules

Before any Celestia specific validation is performed, all CometBFT block validation rules must be followed.

Notably, this includes verifying data availability. Consensus nodes verify data availability by simply downloading the entire block.

Note Light clients only sample a fraction of the block. More details on how sampling actually works can be found in the seminal "Fraud and Data Availability Proofs: Maximising Light Client Security and Scaling Blockchains with Dishonest Majorities" and in the celestia-node repo.

Celestia specific validity rules can be categorized into multiple groups:

Block Rules

  1. In Block.Data.Txs, all BlobTx transactions must be ordered after non-BlobTx transactions.

Transaction Validity Rules

App Version 1

There is no validity rule that transactions must be decodable so the following rules only apply to transactions that are decodable.

  1. Decodable transactions must pass all AnteHandler checks.
  2. Decodable non-BlobTx transactions must not contain a MsgPayForBlobs message.
  3. Decodable BlobTx transactions must be valid according to the BlobTx validity rules.

App Version 2

  1. All transactions must be decodable.
  2. All transactions must pass all AnteHandler checks.
  3. Non-BlobTx transactions must not contain a MsgPayForBlobs message.
  4. BlobTx transactions must be valid according to the BlobTx validity rules.

Data Root Construction

The data root must be calculated from a correctly constructed data square per the data square layout rules.

Figure 1: Erasure Encoding Figure 2: rsmt2d Figure 3: Data Root


Celestia makes use of a Cosmos SDK AnteHandler in order to reject decodable sdk.Txs that do not meet certain criteria. The AnteHandler is invoked at multiple times during the transaction lifecycle:

  1. CheckTx prior to the transaction entering the mempool
  2. PrepareProposal when the block proposer includes the transaction in a block proposal
  3. ProcessProposal when validators validate the transaction in a block proposal
  4. DeliverTx when full nodes execute the transaction in a decided block

The AnteHandler is defined in app/ante/ante.go. The app version impacts AnteHandler behavior. See:

AnteHandler v1

The AnteHandler chains together several decorators to ensure the following criteria are met for app version 1:

  • The tx does not contain any extension options.
  • The tx passes ValidateBasic().
  • The tx's timeout_height has not been reached if one is specified.
  • The tx's memo is <= the max memo characters where MaxMemoCharacters = 256.
  • The tx's gas_limit is > the gas consumed based on the tx's size where TxSizeCostPerByte = 10.
  • The tx's feepayer has enough funds to pay fees for the tx. The tx's feepayer is the feegranter (if specified) or the tx's first signer. Note the feegrant module is enabled.
  • The tx's count of signatures <= the max number of signatures. The max number of signatures is TxSigLimit = 7.
  • The tx's gas_limit is > the gas consumed based on the tx's signatures.
  • The tx's signatures are valid. For each signature, ensure that the signature's sequence number (a.k.a nonce) matches the account sequence number of the signer.
  • The tx's gas_limit is > the gas consumed based on the blob size(s). Since blobs are charged based on the number of shares they occupy, the gas consumed is calculated as follows: gasToConsume = sharesNeeded(blob) * bytesPerShare * gasPerBlobByte. Where bytesPerShare is a global constant (an alias for ShareSize = 512) and gasPerBlobByte is a governance parameter that can be modified (the DefaultGasPerBlobByte = 8).
  • The tx's total blob size is <= the max blob size. The max blob size is derived from the maximum valid square size. The max valid square size is the minimum of: GovMaxSquareSize and SquareSizeUpperBound.
  • The tx does not contain a message of type MsgSubmitProposal with zero proposal messages.
  • The tx is not an IBC packet or update message that has already been processed.

In addition to the above criteria, the AnteHandler also has a number of side-effects:

  • Tx fees are deducted from the tx's feepayer and added to the fee collector module account.
  • Tx priority is calculated based on the smallest denomination of gas price in the tx and set in context.
  • The nonce of all tx signers is incremented by 1.

AnteHandler v2

The AnteHandler chains together several decorators to ensure the following criteria are met for app version 2:

  • The tx does not contain any messages that are unsupported by the current app version. See MsgVersioningGateKeeper.
  • The tx does not contain any extension options.
  • The tx passes ValidateBasic().
  • The tx's timeout_height has not been reached if one is specified.
  • The tx's memo is <= the max memo characters where MaxMemoCharacters = 256.
  • The tx's gas_limit is > the gas consumed based on the tx's size where TxSizeCostPerByte = 10.
  • The tx's feepayer has enough funds to pay fees for the tx. The tx's feepayer is the feegranter (if specified) or the tx's first signer. Note the feegrant module is enabled.
  • The tx's gas price is >= the network minimum gas price where NetworkMinGasPrice = 0.000001 utia.
  • The tx's count of signatures <= the max number of signatures. The max number of signatures is TxSigLimit = 7.
  • The tx's gas_limit is > the gas consumed based on the tx's signatures.
  • The tx's signatures are valid. For each signature, ensure that the signature's sequence number (a.k.a nonce) matches the account sequence number of the signer.
  • The tx's gas_limit is > the gas consumed based on the blob size(s). Since blobs are charged based on the number of shares they occupy, the gas consumed is calculated as follows: gasToConsume = sharesNeeded(blob) * bytesPerShare * gasPerBlobByte. Where bytesPerShare is a global constant (an alias for ShareSize = 512) and gasPerBlobByte is a governance parameter that can be modified (the DefaultGasPerBlobByte = 8).
  • The tx's total blob share count is <= the max blob share count. The max blob share count is derived from the maximum valid square size. The max valid square size is the minimum of: GovMaxSquareSize and SquareSizeUpperBound.
  • The tx does not contain a message of type MsgSubmitProposal with zero proposal messages.
  • The tx is not an IBC packet or update message that has already been processed.

In addition to the above criteria, the AnteHandler also has a number of side-effects:

  • Tx fees are deducted from the tx's feepayer and added to the fee collector module account.
  • Tx priority is calculated based on the smallest denomination of gas price in the tx and set in context.
  • The nonce of all tx signers is incremented by 1.

AnteHandler v3

The AnteHandler chains together several decorators to ensure the following criteria are met for app version 3:

  • The tx does not contain any messages that are unsupported by the current app version. See MsgVersioningGateKeeper.
  • The tx size is not larger than the application's configured versioned constant MaxTxSize.
  • The tx does not contain any extension options.
  • The tx passes ValidateBasic().
  • The tx's timeout_height has not been reached if one is specified.
  • The tx's memo is <= the max memo characters where MaxMemoCharacters = 256.
  • The tx's gas_limit is > the gas consumed based on the tx's size where TxSizeCostPerByte = 10.
  • The tx's feepayer has enough funds to pay fees for the tx. The tx's feepayer is the feegranter (if specified) or the tx's first signer. Note the feegrant module is enabled.
  • The tx's gas price is >= the network minimum gas price where NetworkMinGasPrice = 0.000001 utia.
  • The tx's count of signatures <= the max number of signatures. The max number of signatures is TxSigLimit = 7.
  • The tx's gas_limit is > the gas consumed based on the tx's signatures.
  • The tx's signatures are valid. For each signature, ensure that the signature's sequence number (a.k.a nonce) matches the account sequence number of the signer.
  • The tx's gas_limit is > the gas consumed based on the blob size(s). Since blobs are charged based on the number of shares they occupy, the gas consumed is calculated as follows: gasToConsume = sharesNeeded(blob) * bytesPerShare * gasPerBlobByte. Where bytesPerShare is a global constant (an alias for ShareSize = 512) and gasPerBlobByte is a versioned constant that can be modified through hard forks (the DefaultGasPerBlobByte = 8).
  • The tx's total blob share count is <= the max blob share count. The max blob share count is derived from the maximum valid square size. The max valid square size is the minimum of: GovMaxSquareSize and SquareSizeUpperBound.
  • The tx does not contain a message of type MsgSubmitProposal with zero proposal messages.
  • The tx is not an IBC packet or update message that has already been processed.

In addition to the above criteria, the AnteHandler also has a number of side-effects:

  • Tx fees are deducted from the tx's feepayer and added to the fee collector module account.
  • Tx priority is calculated based on the smallest denomination of gas price in the tx and set in context.
  • The nonce of all tx signers is incremented by 1.

Fraud Proofs

Bad Encoding Fraud Proofs

In order for data availability sampling to work, light clients must be convinced that erasure encoded parity data was encoded correctly. For light clients, this is ultimately enforced via bad encoding fraud proofs (BEFPs). Consensus nodes must verify this themselves before considering a block valid. This is done automatically by verifying the data root of the header, since that requires reconstructing the square from the block data, performing the erasure encoding, calculating the data root using that representation, and then comparing the data root found in the header.

Blob Inclusion



State fraud proofs allow light clients to avoid making an honest majority assumption for state validity. While these are not incorporated into the protocol as of v1.0.0, there are example implementations that can be found in Rollkit. More info in rollkit-ADR009.


Wire Format


availableDataRowsAvailableDataRow[]List of rows.


sharesShare[]Shares in a row.


Defined as ConsensusProposal:

message ConsensusProposal { SignedMsgType type = 1; int32 round = 2; int32 pol_round = 3; // 32-byte hash // Proposed block header Header header = 4; AvailableDataHeader da_header = 5; // 64-byte signature bytes proposer_signature = 6; }

When receiving a new block proposal proposal from the network, the following steps are performed in order. Must indicates that peers must be blacklisted (to prevent DoS attacks) and should indicates that the network blob can simply be ignored.

  1. proposal.type must be a SignedMsgType.
  2. proposal.round is processed identically to Tendermint.
  3. proposal.pol_round is processed identically to Tendermint.
  4. proposal.header must be well-formed.
  5. proposal.header.version.block must be VERSION_BLOCK.
  6. must be a supported app version.
  7. proposal.header.height should be previous known height + 1.
  8. proposal.header.chain_id must be CHAIN_ID.
  9. proposal.header.time is processed identically to Tendermint.
  10. proposal.header.last_header_hash must be previous block's header hash.
  11. proposal.header.last_commit_hash must be the previous block's commit hash.
  12. proposal.header.consensus_hash must be the hash of consensus parameters.
  13. proposal.header.state_commitment must be the state root after applying the previous block's transactions.
  14. proposal.header.available_data_original_shares_used must be at most AVAILABLE_DATA_ORIGINAL_SQUARE_MAX ** 2.
  15. proposal.header.available_data_root must be the root of proposal.da_header.
  16. proposal.header.proposer_address must be the correct leader.
  17. proposal.da_header must be well-formed.
  18. The number of elements in proposal.da_header.row_roots and proposal.da_header.row_roots must be equal.
  19. The number of elements in proposal.da_header.row_roots must be the same as computed here.
  20. proposal.proposer_signature must be a valid digital signature over the header hash of proposal.header that recovers to proposal.header.proposer_address.
  21. For full nodes, proposal.da_header must be the result of computing the roots of the shares (received separately).
  22. For light nodes, proposal.da_header should be sampled from for availability.


Defined as MsgWirePayForData:

message MsgWirePayForData { TransactionFee fee = 1; uint64 nonce = 2; // 8-byte namespace ID bytes message_namespace_id = 3; uint64 message_size = 4; bytes message = 5; repeated MessageCommitmentAndSignature message_commitment_and_signature = 6; }

Accepting a MsgWirePayForData into the mempool requires different logic than other transactions in Celestia, since it leverages the paradigm of block proposers being able to malleate transaction data. Unlike SignedTransactionDataMsgPayForData (the canonical data type that is included in blocks and committed to with a data root in the block header), each MsgWirePayForData (the over-the-wire representation of the same) has potentially multiple signatures.

Transaction senders who want to pay for a blob will create a SignedTransactionDataMsgPayForData object, stx, filling in the stx.blobShareCommitment field based on the blob share commitment rules, then signing it to get a transaction tx.

Receiving a MsgWirePayForData object from the network follows the reverse process: verify using the blob share commitment rules that the signature is valid.

Invalid Erasure Coding

If a malicious block producer incorrectly computes the 2D Reed-Solomon code for a block's data, a fraud proof for this can be presented. We assume that the light clients have the AvailableDataHeader and the Header for each block. Hence, given a ShareProof, they can verify if the rowRoot or colRoot specified by isCol and position commits to the corresponding Share. Similarly, given the height of a block, they can access all elements within the AvailableDataHeader and the Header of the block.


shareShareThe share.
proofNamespaceMerkleTreeInclusionProofThe Merkle proof of the share in the offending row or column root.
isColboolA Boolean indicating if the proof is from a row root or column root; false if it is a row root.
positionuint64The index of the share in the offending row or column.


Defined as BadEncodingFraudProof:

// message BadEncodingFraudProof { // height of the block with the offending row or column int64 height = 1; // the available shares in the offending row or column and their Merkle proofs // array of ShareProofs repeated ShareProof shareProofs = 2; // a Boolean indicating if it is an offending row or column; false if it is a row bool isCol = 3; // the index of the offending row or column in the square uint64 position = 4; }
heightHeightHeight of the block with the offending row or column.
shareProofsShareProof[]The available shares in the offending row or column.
isColboolA Boolean indicating if it is an offending row or column; false if it is a row.
positionuint64The index of the offending row or column in the square.

Invalid State Update

If a malicious block producer incorrectly computes the state, a fraud proof for this can be presented. We assume that the light clients have the AvailableDataHeader and the Header for each block. Hence, given a ShareProof, they can verify if the rowRoot or colRoot specified by isCol and position commits to the corresponding Share. Similarly, given the height of a block, they can access all elements within the AvailableDataHeader and the Header of the block.


Defined as StateFraudProof:

// message StateFraudProof { // height of the block with the intermediate state roots // Subtracting one from height gives the height of the block with the transactions. int64 height = 1; // shares containing the transactions and their Merkle proofs // isCol within the ShareProof must be false. // array of ShareProofs repeated ShareProof transactionShareProofs = 2; // shares containing the intermediate state roots and their Merkle proofs // isCol within the ShareProof must be false. // array of ShareProofs repeated ShareProof isrShareProofs = 3; // index for connecting the WrappedIntermediateStateRoot and WrappedTransaction after shares are parsed uint64 index = 4; // state elements that were changed by the transactions // array of StateElements repeated StateElement intermediateStateElements = 5; // sparse Merkle tree inclusion proofs for the state elements // array of SparseMerkleTreeInclusionProofs repeated SparseMerkleTreeInclusionProof stateInclusionProofs = 6; }
heightHeightHeight of the block with the intermediate state roots. Subtracting one from height gives the height of the block with the transactions.
transactionShareProofsShareProof[]isCol of type bool must be false.
isrShareProofsShareProof[]isCol of type bool must be false.
indexuint64Index for connecting the WrappedIntermediateStateRoot and WrappedTransaction after shares are parsed.

Public-Key Cryptography

Consensus-critical data is authenticated using ECDSA with the curves: Secp256k1 or Ed25519.


The Secp256k1 key type is used by accounts that submit transactions to be included in Celestia.


A highly-optimized library is available in C (, with wrappers in Go ( and Rust (


Secp256k1 public keys can be compressed to 257-bits (or 33 bytes) per the format described here.


Cosmos addresses are 20 bytes in length.


Deterministic signatures (RFC-6979) should be used when signing, but this is not enforced at the protocol level as it cannot be for Secp256k1 signatures.

Signatures are represented as the r and s (each 32 bytes) values of the signature. r and s take on their usual meaning (see: SEC 1, 4.1.3 Signing Operation). Signatures are encoded with protobuf as described here.

Human Readable Encoding

In front-ends addresses are prefixed with the Bech32 prefix celestia. For example, a valid address is celestia1kj39jkzqlr073t42am9d8pd40tgudc3e2kj9yf.


The Ed25519 key type is used by validators.


Public Keys

Ed25519 public keys are 32 bytes in length. They often appear in validator configuration files (e.g. genesis.json) base64 encoded:

"pub_key": { "type": "tendermint/PubKeyEd25519", "value": "DMEMMj1+thrkUCGocbvvKzXeaAtRslvX9MWtB+smuIA=" }


Ed25519 addresses are the first 20-bytes of the SHA256 hash of the raw 32-byte public key:

address = SHA256(pubkey)[:20]


Ed25519 signatures are 64 bytes in length.

Data Square Layout


Celestia uses a data availability scheme that allows nodes to determine whether a block's data was published without downloading the whole block. The core of this scheme is arranging data in a two-dimensional matrix of shares, then applying erasure coding to each row and column. This document describes the rationale for how data—transactions, blobs, and other data—is actually arranged. Familiarity with the originally proposed data layout format is assumed.

Layout Rationale

Block data consists of:

  1. Standard cosmos-SDK transactions: (which are often represented internally as the sdk.Tx interface) as described in cosmos-sdk ADR020
    1. These transactions contain protobuf encoded sdk.Msgs, which get executed atomically (if one fails they all fail) to update the Celestia state. The complete list of modules, which define the sdk.Msgs that the state machine is capable of handling, can be found in the state machine modules spec. Examples include standard cosmos-sdk module messages such as MsgSend), and celestia specific module messages such as MsgPayForBlobs
  2. Blobs: binary large objects which do not modify the Celestia state, but which are intended for a Celestia application identified with a provided namespace.

We want to arrange this data into a k * k matrix of fixed-sized shares, which will later be committed to in Namespace Merkle Trees (NMTs) so that individual shares in this matrix can be proven to belong to a single data root. k must always be a power of 2 (e.g. 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, etc.) as this is optimal for the erasure coding algorithm.

The simplest way we can imagine arranging block data is to simply serialize it all in no particular order, split it into fixed-sized shares, then arrange those shares into the k * k matrix in row-major order. However, this naive scheme can be improved in a number of ways, described below.

First, we impose some ground rules:

  1. Data must be ordered by namespace. This makes queries into a NMT commitment of that data more efficient.
  2. Since non-blob data are not naturally intended for particular namespaces, we assign reserved namespaces for them. A range of namespaces is reserved for this purpose, starting from the lowest possible namespace.
  3. By construction, the above two rules mean that non-blob data always precedes blob data in the row-major matrix, even when considering single rows or columns.
  4. Data with different namespaces must not be in the same share. This might cause a small amount of wasted block space, but makes the NMT easier to reason about in general since leaves are guaranteed to belong to a single namespace.

Given these rules, a square may look as follows:


Padding is addressed in the padding section. Namespace C contains two blobs of two shares each while Namespace D contains one blob of three shares.


The order of blobs in a namespace is dictated by the priority of the PFBs that paid for the blob. A PFB with greater priority will have all blobs in that namespace strictly before a PFB with less priority. Priority is determined by the gas-price of the transaction (fee/gas).

Blob Share Commitment Rules

Transactions can pay fees for a blob to be included in the same block as the transaction itself. It may seem natural to bundle the MsgPayForBlobs transaction that pays for a number of blobs with these blobs (which is the case in other blockchains with native execution, e.g. calldata in Ethereum transactions or OP_RETURN data in Bitcoin transactions), however this would mean that processes validating the state of the Celestia network would need to download all blob data. PayForBlob transactions must therefore only include a commitment to (i.e. some hash of) the blob they pay fees for. If implemented naively (e.g. with a simple hash of the blob, or a simple binary Merkle tree root of the blob), this can lead to a data availability problem, as there are no guarantees that the data behind these commitments is actually part of the block data.

To that end, we impose some additional rules onto blobs only: blobs must be placed in a way such that both the transaction sender and the block producer can be held accountable—a necessary property for e.g. fee burning. Accountable in this context means that

  1. The transaction sender must pay sufficient fees for blob inclusion.
  2. The block proposer cannot claim that a blob was included when it was not (which implies that a transaction and the blob it pays for must be included in the same block). In addition all blobs must be accompanied by a PayForBlob transaction.

Specifically, a MsgPayForBlobs must include a ShareCommitment over the contents of each blob it is paying for. If the transaction sender knows 1) k, the size of the matrix, 2) the starting location of their blob in a row, and 3) the length of the blob (they know this since they are sending the blob), then they can actually compute a sequence of roots to subtrees in the row NMTs. Taking the simple Merkle root of these subtree roots provides us with the ShareCommitment that gets included in MsgPayForBlobs. Using subtree roots instead of all the leaves makes blob inclusion proofs smaller.

subtree roots

Understanding 1) and 2) would usually require interaction with the block proposer. To make the possible starting locations of blobs sufficiently predictable and to make ShareCommitment independent of k, we impose an additional rule. The blob must start at a multiple of the SubtreeWidth.

The SubtreeWidth is calculated as the length of the blob in shares, divided by the SubtreeRootThreshold and rounded up to the nearest power of 2 (implementation here). If the output is greater than the minimum square size that the blob can fit in (i.e. a blob of 15 shares has a minimum square size of 4) then we take that minimum value. This SubtreeWidth is used as the width of the first mountain in the Merkle Mountain Range that would all together represent the ShareCommitment over the blob.

subtree root width

The SubtreeRootThreshold is an arbitrary versioned protocol constant that aims to put a soft limit on the number of subtree roots included in a blob inclusion proof, as described in ADR013. A higher SubtreeRootThreshold means less padding and more tightly packed squares but also means greater blob inclusion proof sizes. With the above constraint, we can compute subtree roots deterministically. For example, a blob of 172 shares and SubtreeRootThreshold (SRT) = 64, must start on a share index that is a multiple of 4 because 172/64 = 3. 3 rounded up to the nearest power of 2 is 4. In this case, there will be a maximum of 3 shares of padding between blobs (more on padding below). The maximum subtree width in shares for the first mountain in the Merkle range will be 4 (The actual mountain range would be 43 subtree roots of 4 shares each). The ShareCommitment is then the Merkle tree over the peaks of the mountain range.


Given these rules whereby blobs in their share format can't be directly appended one after the other, we use padding shares to fill the gaps. These are shares with a particular format (see padding). Padding always comes after all the blobs in the namespace. The padding at the end of the reserved namespace and at the end of the square are special in that they belong to unique namespaces. All other padding shares use the namespace of the blob before it in the data square.

Resource Pricing

For all standard cosmos-sdk transactions (staking, IBC, etc), Celestia utilizes the default cosmos-sdk mechanisms for pricing resources. This involves incrementing a gas counter during transaction execution each time the state is read from/written to, or when specific costly operations occur such as signature verification or inclusion of data.

// GasMeter interface to track gas consumption type GasMeter interface { GasConsumed() Gas GasConsumedToLimit() Gas GasRemaining() Gas Limit() Gas ConsumeGas(amount Gas, descriptor string) RefundGas(amount Gas, descriptor string) IsPastLimit() bool IsOutOfGas() bool String() string }

We can see how this gas meter is used in practice by looking at the store. Notice where gas is consumed each time we write or read, specifically a flat cost for initiating the action followed by a prorated cost for the amount of data read or written.

// Implements KVStore. func (gs *Store) Get(key []byte) (value []byte) { gs.gasMeter.ConsumeGas(gs.gasConfig.ReadCostFlat, types.GasReadCostFlatDesc) value = gs.parent.Get(key) // TODO overflow-safe math? gs.gasMeter.ConsumeGas(gs.gasConfig.ReadCostPerByte*types.Gas(len(key)), types.GasReadPerByteDesc) gs.gasMeter.ConsumeGas(gs.gasConfig.ReadCostPerByte*types.Gas(len(value)), types.GasReadPerByteDesc) return value } // Implements KVStore. func (gs *Store) Set(key []byte, value []byte) { types.AssertValidKey(key) types.AssertValidValue(value) gs.gasMeter.ConsumeGas(gs.gasConfig.WriteCostFlat, types.GasWriteCostFlatDesc) // TODO overflow-safe math? gs.gasMeter.ConsumeGas(gs.gasConfig.WriteCostPerByte*types.Gas(len(key)), types.GasWritePerByteDesc) gs.gasMeter.ConsumeGas(gs.gasConfig.WriteCostPerByte*types.Gas(len(value)), types.GasWritePerByteDesc) gs.parent.Set(key, value) }

The configuration for the gas meter used by Celestia is as follows.

// KVGasConfig returns a default gas config for KVStores. func KVGasConfig() GasConfig { return GasConfig{ HasCost: 1000, DeleteCost: 1000, ReadCostFlat: 1000, ReadCostPerByte: 3, WriteCostFlat: 2000, WriteCostPerByte: 30, IterNextCostFlat: 30, } } // TransientGasConfig returns a default gas config for TransientStores. func TransientGasConfig() GasConfig { return GasConfig{ HasCost: 100, DeleteCost: 100, ReadCostFlat: 100, ReadCostPerByte: 0, WriteCostFlat: 200, WriteCostPerByte: 3, IterNextCostFlat: 3, } }

Two notable gas consumption events that are not Celestia specific are the total bytes used for a transaction and the verification of the signature

func (cgts ConsumeTxSizeGasDecorator) AnteHandle(ctx sdk.Context, tx sdk.Tx, simulate bool, next sdk.AnteHandler) (sdk.Context, error) { sigTx, ok := tx.(authsigning.SigVerifiableTx) if !ok { return ctx, sdkerrors.Wrap(sdkerrors.ErrTxDecode, "invalid tx type") } params := cgts.ak.GetParams(ctx) ctx.GasMeter().ConsumeGas(params.TxSizeCostPerByte*sdk.Gas(len(ctx.TxBytes())), "txSize") ... } // DefaultSigVerificationGasConsumer is the default implementation of SignatureVerificationGasConsumer. It consumes gas // for signature verification based upon the public key type. The cost is fetched from the given params and is matched // by the concrete type. func DefaultSigVerificationGasConsumer( meter sdk.GasMeter, sig signing.SignatureV2, params types.Params, ) error { pubkey := sig.PubKey switch pubkey := pubkey.(type) { case *ed25519.PubKey: meter.ConsumeGas(params.SigVerifyCostED25519, "ante verify: ed25519") return sdkerrors.Wrap(sdkerrors.ErrInvalidPubKey, "ED25519 public keys are unsupported") case *secp256k1.PubKey: meter.ConsumeGas(params.SigVerifyCostSecp256k1, "ante verify: secp256k1") return nil case *secp256r1.PubKey: meter.ConsumeGas(params.SigVerifyCostSecp256r1(), "ante verify: secp256r1") return nil case multisig.PubKey: multisignature, ok := sig.Data.(*signing.MultiSignatureData) if !ok { return fmt.Errorf("expected %T, got, %T", &signing.MultiSignatureData{}, sig.Data) } err := ConsumeMultisignatureVerificationGas(meter, multisignature, pubkey, params, sig.Sequence) if err != nil { return err } return nil default: return sdkerrors.Wrapf(sdkerrors.ErrInvalidPubKey, "unrecognized public key type: %T", pubkey) } }

Since gas is consumed in this fashion and many of the cosmos-sdk transactions are composable, any given transaction can have a large window of possible gas consumption. For example, vesting accounts use more bytes of state than a normal account, so more gas is consumed each time a vesting account is read from or updated.


There are four parameters that can be modified via governance to modify gas usage.

ParameterDefault ValueDescriptionChangeable via Governance
consensus/max_gas-1The maximum gas allowed in a block. Default of -1 means this value is not capped.True
auth/tx_size_cost_per_byte10Gas used per each byte used by the transaction.True
auth/sig_verify_cost_secp256k11000Gas used per verifying a secp256k1 signatureTrue
blob/gas_per_blob_byte8Gas used per byte used by blob. Note that this value is applied to all encoding overhead, meaning things like the padding of the remaining share and namespace. See PFB gas estimation section for more details.True

Gas Limit

The gas limit must be included in each transaction. If the transaction exceeds this gas limit during the execution of the transaction, then the transaction will fail.

Note: When a transaction is submitted to the mempool, the transaction is not fully executed. This can lead to a transaction getting accepted by the mempool and eventually included in a block, yet failing because the transaction ends up exceeding the gas limit.

Fees are not currently refunded. While users can specify a gas price, the total fee is then calculated by simply multiplying the gas limit by the gas price. The entire fee is then deducted from the transaction no matter what.

Fee market

By default, Celestia's consensus nodes prioritize transactions in their mempools based on gas price. In version 1, there was no enforced minimum gas price, which allowed each consensus node to independently set its own minimum gas price in app.toml. This even permitted a gas price of 0, thereby creating the possibility of secondary markets. In version 2, Celestia introduces a network minimum gas price, a consensus constant, unaffected by individual node configurations. Although nodes retain the freedom to increase gas prices locally, all transactions in a block must be greater than or equal to the network minimum threshold. If a block is proposed that contains a tx with a gas price below the network min gas price, the block will be rejected as invalid.

Estimating PFB cost

Generally, the gas used by a PFB transaction involves a static "fixed cost" and a dynamic cost based on the size of each blob involved in the transaction.

Note: For a general use case of a normal account submitting a PFB, the static costs can be treated as such. However, due to the description above of how gas works in the cosmos-sdk this is not always the case. Notably, if we use a vesting account or the feegrant modules, then these static costs change.

The "fixed cost" is an approximation of the gas consumed by operations outside the function GasToConsume (for example, signature verification, tx size, read access to accounts), which has a default value of 65,000.

Note: the first transaction sent by an account (sequence number == 0) has an additional one time gas cost of 10,000. If this is the case, this should be accounted for.

Each blob in the PFB contributes to the total gas cost based on its size. The function GasToConsume calculates the total gas consumed by all the blobs involved in a PFB, where each blob's gas cost is computed by first determining how many shares are needed to store the blob size. Then, it computes the product of the number of shares, the number of bytes per share, and the gasPerByte parameter. Finally, it adds a static amount per blob.

The gas cost per blob byte and gas cost per transaction byte are parameters that could potentially be adjusted through the system's governance mechanisms. Hence, actual costs may vary depending on the current settings of these parameters.

Tracing Gas Consumption

This figure plots each instance of the gas meter being incremented as a colored dot over the execution lifecycle of a given transaction. The y-axis is units of gas and the x-axis is cumulative gas consumption. The legend shows which color indicates what the cause of the gas consumption was.

This code used to trace gas consumption can be found in the tools/gasmonitor of the branch for #2131, and the script to generate the plots below can be found here (warning: this script will not be maintained).


Here we can see the gas consumption trace of a common send transaction for 1utia



Here we examine a more complex transaction.


PFB with One Single Share Blob

MsgPayForBlobs Single Share

PFB with Two Single Share Blobs

This PFB transaction contains two single share blobs. Notice the gas cost for pay for blob is double what it is above due to two shares being used, and there is also additional cost from txSize since the transaction itself is larger to accommodate the second set of metadata in the PFB.

MsgPayForBlobs with Two Blobs

100KiB Single Blob PFB

Here we can see how the cost of a PFB with a large blob (100KiB) is quickly dominated by the cost of the blob.

MsgPayForBlobs with One Large Blob


Celestia inherits support for Multisig accounts from the Cosmos SDK. Multisig accounts behave similarly to regular accounts with the added requirement that a threshold of signatures is needed to authorize a transaction.

The maximum number of signatures allowed for a multisig account is determined by the parameter auth.TxSigLimit (see parameters). The threshold and list of signers for a multisig account are set at the time of creation and can be viewed in the pubkey field of a key. For example:

$ celestia-appd keys show multisig - address: celestia17rehcgutjfra8zhjl8675t8hhw8wsavzzutv06 name: multisig pubkey: '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.multisig.LegacyAminoPubKey","threshold":2,"public_keys":[{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"AxMTEFDH8oyBPIH+d2MKfCIY1yAsEd0HVekoPaAOiu9c"},{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"Ax0ANkTPWcCDWy9O2TcUXw90Z0DxnX2zqPvhi4VJPUl5"},{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"AlUwWCGLzhclCMEKc2YLEap9H8JT5tWq1kB8BagU1TVH"}]}' type: multi

Please see the Cosmos SDK docs for more information on how to use multisig accounts.

State Machine Modules

Celestia app is built using the cosmos-sdk, and follows standard cosmos-sdk module structure. The modules used in the application vary based on app version:

State Machine Modules v1

The modules used in app version 1 are:

celestia-app modules

cosmos-sdk modules

State Machine Modules v2

The modules used in app version 2 are:

celestia-app modules

cosmos-sdk modules


The parameters in the application depend on the app version:

Parameters v1

The parameters below represent the parameters for app version 1.

Note that not all of these parameters are changeable via governance. This list also includes parameters that require a hardfork to change due to being manually hardcoded in the application or they are blocked by the x/paramfilter module.

Global parameters

ParameterValueSummaryChangeable via Governance
SquareSizeUpperBound128Hardcoded maximum square size which limits the number of shares per row or column for the original data square (not yet extended).False
SubtreeRootThreshold64See ADR-013 for more details.False
MaxBlockSizeBytes100 MiBHardcoded value in CometBFT for the protobuf encoded block.False

Module parameters

Module.ParameterDefaultSummaryChangeable via Governance
auth.MaxMemoCharacters256Largest allowed size for a memo in bytes.True
auth.SigVerifyCostED25519590Gas used to verify Ed25519 signature.True
auth.SigVerifyCostSecp256k11000Gas used to verify secp256k1 signature.True
auth.TxSigLimit7Max number of signatures allowed in a multisig transaction.True
auth.TxSizeCostPerByte10Gas used per transaction byte.True
bank.SendEnabledtrueAllow transfers.False
blob.GasPerBlobByte8Gas used per blob byte.True
blob.GovMaxSquareSize64Governance parameter for the maximum square size determined per shares per row or column for the original data square (not yet extended). If larger than MaxSquareSize, MaxSquareSize is used.True
blobstream.DataCommitmentWindow400Number of blocks that are included in a signed batch (DataCommitment).True
consensus.block.MaxBytes1974272 bytes (~1.88 MiB)Governance parameter for the maximum size of the protobuf encoded block.True
consensus.block.MaxGas-1Maximum gas allowed per block (-1 is infinite).True
consensus.block.TimeIotaMs1000Minimum time added to the time in the header each block.False
consensus.evidence.MaxAgeDuration1814400000000000 (21 days)The maximum age of evidence before it is considered invalid in nanoseconds. This value should be identical to the unbonding period.True
consensus.evidence.MaxAgeNumBlocks120960The maximum number of blocks before evidence is considered invalid. This value will stop CometBFT from pruning block data.True
consensus.evidence.MaxBytes1MiBMaximum size in bytes used by evidence in a given block.True
consensus.validator.PubKeyTypesEd25519The type of public key used by validators.False
consensus.Version.AppVersion1Determines protocol rules used for a given height. Incremented by the application upon an upgrade.True
distribution.BaseProposerReward0Reward in the mint denomination for proposing a block.True
distribution.BonusProposerReward0Extra reward in the mint denomination for proposers based on the voting power included in the commit.True
distribution.CommunityTax0.02 (2%)Percentage of the inflation sent to the community pool.True
distribution.WithdrawAddrEnabledtrueEnables delegators to withdraw funds to a different address.True
gov.DepositParams.MaxDepositPeriod604800000000000 (1 week)Maximum period for token holders to deposit on a proposal in nanoseconds.True
gov.DepositParams.MinDeposit10_000_000_000 utia (10,000 TIA)Minimum deposit for a proposal to enter voting period.True
gov.TallyParams.Quorum0.334 (33.4%)Minimum percentage of total stake needed to vote for a result to be considered valid.True
gov.TallyParams.Threshold0.50 (50%)Minimum proportion of Yes votes for proposal to pass.True
gov.TallyParams.VetoThreshold0.334 (33.4%)Minimum value of Veto votes to Total votes ratio for proposal to be vetoed.True
gov.VotingParams.VotingPeriod604800000000000 (1 week)Duration of the voting period in nanoseconds.True
ibc.ClientGenesis.AllowedClients[]string{"06-solomachine", "07-tendermint"}List of allowed IBC light clients.True
ibc.ConnectionGenesis.MaxExpectedTimePerBlock7500000000000 (75 seconds)Maximum expected time per block in nanoseconds under normal operation.True
ibc.Transfer.ReceiveEnabledtrueEnable receiving tokens via IBC.True
ibc.Transfer.SendEnabledtrueEnable sending tokens via IBC.True
mint.BondDenomutiaDenomination that is inflated and sent to the distribution module account.False
mint.DisinflationRate0.10 (10%)The rate at which the inflation rate decreases each year.False
mint.InitialInflationRate0.08 (8%)The inflation rate the network starts at.False
mint.TargetInflationRate0.015 (1.5%)The inflation rate that the network aims to stabilize at.False
slashing.DowntimeJailDuration1 minDuration of time a validator must stay jailed.True
slashing.MinSignedPerWindow0.75 (75%)The percentage of SignedBlocksWindow that must be signed not to get jailed.True
slashing.SignedBlocksWindow5000The range of blocks used to count for downtime.True
slashing.SlashFractionDoubleSign0.02 (2%)Percentage slashed after a validator is jailed for double signing.True
slashing.SlashFractionDowntime0.00 (0%)Percentage slashed after a validator is jailed for downtime.True
staking.BondDenomutiaBondable coin denomination.False
staking.HistoricalEntries10000Number of historical entries to persist in store.True
staking.MaxEntries7Maximum number of entries in the redelegation queue.True
staking.MaxValidators100Maximum number of validators.True
staking.MinCommissionRate0.05 (5%)Minimum commission rate used by all validators.True
staking.UnbondingTime1814400 (21 days)Duration of time for unbonding in seconds.False

Note: none of the mint module parameters are governance modifiable because they have been converted into hardcoded constants. See the x/mint for more details.

Parameters v2

The parameters below represent the parameters for app version 2.

Note that not all of these parameters are changeable via governance. This list also includes parameter that require a hardfork to change due to being manually hardcoded in the application or they are blocked by the x/paramfilter module.

Global parameters

ParameterValueSummaryChangeable via Governance
SquareSizeUpperBound128Hardcoded maximum square size which limits the number of shares per row or column for the original data square (not yet extended).False
SubtreeRootThreshold64See ADR-013 for more details.False
UpgradeHeightDelay50400 blocksHeight based delay after a successful MsgTryUpgrade has been submitted.False
MaxBlockSizeBytes100 MiBHardcoded value in CometBFT for the protobuf encoded block.False

Module parameters

Module.ParameterDefaultSummaryChangeable via Governance
auth.MaxMemoCharacters256Largest allowed size for a memo in bytes.True
auth.SigVerifyCostED25519590Gas used to verify Ed25519 signature.True
auth.SigVerifyCostSecp256k11000Gas used to verify secp256k1 signature.True
auth.TxSigLimit7Max number of signatures allowed in a multisig transaction.True
auth.TxSizeCostPerByte10Gas used per transaction byte.True
bank.SendEnabledtrueAllow transfers.False
blob.GasPerBlobByte8Gas used per blob byte.True
blob.GovMaxSquareSize64Governance parameter for the maximum square size of the original data square.True
consensus.block.MaxBytes1974272 bytes (~1.88 MiB)Governance parameter for the maximum size of the protobuf encoded block.True
consensus.block.MaxGas-1Maximum gas allowed per block (-1 is infinite).True
consensus.block.TimeIotaMs1000Minimum time added to the time in the header each block.False
consensus.evidence.MaxAgeDuration1814400000000000 (21 days)The maximum age of evidence before it is considered invalid in nanoseconds. This value should be identical to the unbonding period.True
consensus.evidence.MaxAgeNumBlocks120960The maximum number of blocks before evidence is considered invalid. This value will stop CometBFT from pruning block data.True
consensus.evidence.MaxBytes1MiBMaximum size in bytes used by evidence in a given block.True
consensus.validator.PubKeyTypesEd25519The type of public key used by validators.False
consensus.Version.AppVersion2Determines protocol rules used for a given height. Incremented by the application upon an upgrade.True
distribution.BaseProposerReward0Reward in the mint denomination for proposing a block.True
distribution.BonusProposerReward0Extra reward in the mint denomination for proposers based on the voting power included in the commit.True
distribution.CommunityTax0.02 (2%)Percentage of the inflation sent to the community pool.True
distribution.WithdrawAddrEnabledtrueEnables delegators to withdraw funds to a different address.True
gov.DepositParams.MaxDepositPeriod604800000000000 (1 week)Maximum period for token holders to deposit on a proposal in nanoseconds.True
gov.DepositParams.MinDeposit10_000_000_000 utia (10,000 TIA)Minimum deposit for a proposal to enter voting period.True
gov.TallyParams.Quorum0.334 (33.4%)Minimum percentage of total stake needed to vote for a result to be considered valid.True
gov.TallyParams.Threshold0.50 (50%)Minimum proportion of Yes votes for proposal to pass.True
gov.TallyParams.VetoThreshold0.334 (33.4%)Minimum value of Veto votes to Total votes ratio for proposal to be vetoed.True
gov.VotingParams.VotingPeriod604800000000000 (1 week)Duration of the voting period in nanoseconds.True
ibc.ClientGenesis.AllowedClients[]string{"06-solomachine", "07-tendermint"}List of allowed IBC light clients.True
ibc.ConnectionGenesis.MaxExpectedTimePerBlock7500000000000 (75 seconds)Maximum expected time per block in nanoseconds under normal operation.True
ibc.Transfer.ReceiveEnabledtrueEnable receiving tokens via IBC.True
ibc.Transfer.SendEnabledtrueEnable sending tokens via IBC.True
icahost.HostEnabledTrueEnables or disables the Inter-Chain Accounts host module.True
icahost.AllowMessagesicaAllowMessagesDefines a list of sdk message typeURLs allowed to be executed on a host chain.True
minfee.NetworkMinGasPrice0.000001 utiaAll transactions must have a gas price greater than or equal to this value.True
mint.BondDenomutiaDenomination that is inflated and sent to the distribution module account.False
mint.DisinflationRate0.10 (10%)The rate at which the inflation rate decreases each year.False
mint.InitialInflationRate0.08 (8%)The inflation rate the network starts at.False
mint.TargetInflationRate0.015 (1.5%)The inflation rate that the network aims to stabilize at.False
packetforwardmiddleware.FeePercentage0% of the forwarded packet amount which will be subtracted and distributed to the community pool.True
slashing.DowntimeJailDuration1 minDuration of time a validator must stay jailed.True
slashing.MinSignedPerWindow0.75 (75%)The percentage of SignedBlocksWindow that must be signed not to get jailed.True
slashing.SignedBlocksWindow5000The range of blocks used to count for downtime.True
slashing.SlashFractionDoubleSign0.02 (2%)Percentage slashed after a validator is jailed for double signing.True
slashing.SlashFractionDowntime0.00 (0%)Percentage slashed after a validator is jailed for downtime.True
staking.BondDenomutiaBondable coin denomination.False
staking.HistoricalEntries10000Number of historical entries to persist in store.True
staking.MaxEntries7Maximum number of entries in the redelegation queue.True
staking.MaxValidators100Maximum number of validators.True
staking.MinCommissionRate0.05 (5%)Minimum commission rate used by all validators.True
staking.UnbondingTime1814400 (21 days)Duration of time for unbonding in seconds.False

Note: none of the mint module parameters are governance modifiable because they have been converted into hardcoded constants. See the x/mint for more details.

Parameters v3

The parameters below represent the parameters for app version 3.

Note that not all of these parameters are changeable via governance. This list also includes parameter that require a hardfork to change due to being manually hardcoded in the application or they are blocked by the x/paramfilter module.

Global parameters

ParameterValueSummaryChangeable via Governance
SquareSizeUpperBound128Hardcoded maximum square size which limits the number of shares per row or column for the original data square (not yet extended).False
SubtreeRootThreshold64See ADR-013 for more details.False
MaxTxSize2 MiBMaximum size of a transaction in bytes.False
TimeoutPropose3500 msSpecifies the time that validators wait during the proposal phase of the consensus process. See CometBFT specs for more details.False
TimeoutCommit4200 msSpecifies the duration that validators wait during the Commit phase of the consensus process. See CometBFT specs for more details.False
UpgradeHeightDelay100800 blocksHeight based delay after a successful MsgTryUpgrade has been submitted.False
MaxBlockSizeBytes100 MiBHardcoded value in CometBFT for the protobuf encoded block.False

Module parameters

Module.ParameterDefaultSummaryChangeable via Governance
auth.MaxMemoCharacters256Largest allowed size for a memo in bytes.True
auth.SigVerifyCostED25519590Gas used to verify Ed25519 signature.True
auth.SigVerifyCostSecp256k11000Gas used to verify secp256k1 signature.True
auth.TxSigLimit7Max number of signatures allowed in a multisig transaction.True
auth.TxSizeCostPerByte10Gas used per transaction byte.False
bank.SendEnabledtrueAllow transfers.False
blob.GasPerBlobByte8Gas used per blob byte.False
blob.GovMaxSquareSize64Governance parameter for the maximum square size of the original data square.True
consensus.block.MaxBytes1974272 bytes (~1.88 MiB)Governance parameter for the maximum size of the protobuf encoded block.True
consensus.block.MaxGas-1Maximum gas allowed per block (-1 is infinite).True
consensus.block.TimeIotaMs1000Minimum time added to the time in the header each block.False
consensus.evidence.MaxAgeDuration1814400000000000 (21 days)The maximum age of evidence before it is considered invalid in nanoseconds. This value should be identical to the unbonding period.True
consensus.evidence.MaxAgeNumBlocks120960The maximum number of blocks before evidence is considered invalid. This value will stop CometBFT from pruning block data.True
consensus.evidence.MaxBytes1MiBMaximum size in bytes used by evidence in a given block.True
consensus.validator.PubKeyTypesEd25519The type of public key used by validators.False
consensus.Version.AppVersion3Determines protocol rules used for a given height. Incremented by the application upon an upgrade.True
distribution.BaseProposerReward0Reward in the mint denomination for proposing a block.True
distribution.BonusProposerReward0Extra reward in the mint denomination for proposers based on the voting power included in the commit.True
distribution.CommunityTax0.02 (2%)Percentage of the inflation sent to the community pool.True
distribution.WithdrawAddrEnabledtrueEnables delegators to withdraw funds to a different address.True
gov.DepositParams.MaxDepositPeriod604800000000000 (1 week)Maximum period for token holders to deposit on a proposal in nanoseconds.True
gov.DepositParams.MinDeposit10_000_000_000 utia (10,000 TIA)Minimum deposit for a proposal to enter voting period.True
gov.TallyParams.Quorum0.334 (33.4%)Minimum percentage of total stake needed to vote for a result to be considered valid.True
gov.TallyParams.Threshold0.50 (50%)Minimum proportion of Yes votes for proposal to pass.True
gov.TallyParams.VetoThreshold0.334 (33.4%)Minimum value of Veto votes to Total votes ratio for proposal to be vetoed.True
gov.VotingParams.VotingPeriod604800000000000 (1 week)Duration of the voting period in nanoseconds.True
ibc.ClientGenesis.AllowedClients[]string{"06-solomachine", "07-tendermint"}List of allowed IBC light clients.True
ibc.ConnectionGenesis.MaxExpectedTimePerBlock7500000000000 (75 seconds)Maximum expected time per block in nanoseconds under normal operation.True
ibc.Transfer.ReceiveEnabledtrueEnable receiving tokens via IBC.True
ibc.Transfer.SendEnabledtrueEnable sending tokens via IBC.True
icahost.HostEnabledTrueEnables or disables the Inter-Chain Accounts host module.True
icahost.AllowMessagesicaAllowMessagesDefines a list of sdk message typeURLs allowed to be executed on a host chain.True
minfee.NetworkMinGasPrice0.000001 utiaAll transactions must have a gas price greater than or equal to this value.True
mint.BondDenomutiaDenomination that is inflated and sent to the distribution module account.False
mint.DisinflationRate0.10 (10%)The rate at which the inflation rate decreases each year.False
mint.InitialInflationRate0.08 (8%)The inflation rate the network starts at.False
mint.TargetInflationRate0.015 (1.5%)The inflation rate that the network aims to stabilize at.False
packetforwardmiddleware.FeePercentage0% of the forwarded packet amount which will be subtracted and distributed to the community pool.True
slashing.DowntimeJailDuration1 minDuration of time a validator must stay jailed.True
slashing.MinSignedPerWindow0.75 (75%)The percentage of SignedBlocksWindow that must be signed not to get jailed.True
slashing.SignedBlocksWindow5000The range of blocks used to count for downtime.True
slashing.SlashFractionDoubleSign0.02 (2%)Percentage slashed after a validator is jailed for double signing.True
slashing.SlashFractionDowntime0.00 (0%)Percentage slashed after a validator is jailed for downtime.True
staking.BondDenomutiaBondable coin denomination.False
staking.HistoricalEntries10000Number of historical entries to persist in store.True
staking.MaxEntries7Maximum number of entries in the redelegation queue.True
staking.MaxValidators100Maximum number of validators.True
staking.MinCommissionRate0.05 (5%)Minimum commission rate used by all validators.True
staking.UnbondingTime1814400 (21 days)Duration of time for unbonding in seconds.False

Note: none of the mint module parameters are governance modifiable because they have been converted into hardcoded constants. See the x/mint for more details.