Protocol/Component Name


Provide a concise description of the purpose of the component for which the specification is written, along with its contribution to the go-header or other relevant parts of the system. Make sure to include proper references to the relevant sections.

Protocol/Component Description

Offer a comprehensive explanation of the protocol, covering aspects such as data flow, communication mechanisms, and any other details necessary for understanding the inner workings of this component.

Message Structure/Communication Format

If this particular component is expected to communicate over the network, outline the structure of the message protocol, including details such as field interpretation, message format, and any other relevant information.

Assumptions and Considerations

If there are any assumptions required for the component's correct operation, performance, security, or other expected features, outline them here. Additionally, provide any relevant considerations related to security or other concerns.


Include a link to the location where the implementation of this protocol can be found. Note that specific implementation details should be documented in the go-header repository rather than in the specification document.


List any references used or cited in the document.